Thank you very much, sir.
Thank you for the invitation to appear before you again. My last appearance was in November of 2007, a mere two weeks after I was appointed to the position of Veterans Ombudsman. A great deal has transpired since then. Suffice it to say, however, that recent events have reinforced a concern I have been harbouring for some time now and working hard to avoid. What was promoted to the Canadian public as an ombudsman for veterans is being treated by the department more like an internal administrative complaints section.
In the past year, we have received over 8,000 contacts from our stakeholders in the Veterans Community, and opened almost 2,000 files, of which half remain pending action. We have successfully intervened on behalf of veterans literally hundreds of times on issues that we could resolve in a timely manner. At the same time, we have gained insight into the more complex systemic issues that are frustrating veterans and we are now finally at a point where we have some resources to dedicate towards investigating and reporting on them.
The following words are not my own:
In order to complete those investigations in an objective, impartial and thorough manner, access is required to all information, including people and documents, which are considered necessary in order to complete the investigation. As well, as a delegate of the Minister, I must have access to the same documents and information as the Minister would have if he were carrying out those investigations himself. Any suggestion that the [department] should have the discretion to determine what information was required for this office to complete an investigation is simply not reasonable. This was certainly not the intent when the Office of the Ombudsman was created. This practice restricts our independence and impartiality in the conduct of investigations.
Those are the words of the DND/CF Ombudsman in April of 2007. However, they reflect exactly the kinds of challenges I have faced since coming into this office as the so-called ombudsman. So far, the role of Veterans Ombudsman has been nothing like what I expected of an:
independent, impartial public official with the authority and responsibility to receive, investigate or informally address complaints about government actions, and, when appropriate, make findings and recommendations, and publish reports.
This is the definition from the United States Ombudsman Association's governmental ombudsman standards, dated October 14, 2003, but it reflects a common understanding of what an ombudsman does.
The order in council that created our office states that I report directly to and am accountable to the minister. Despite this, the machinery of government in the Privy Council Office advised me recently that if I had a better understanding of the Westminster style of government, I would understand that I am actually accountable to the deputy minister in the conduct of my duties.
That might explain why the deputy minister would feel empowered to restrict my access to certain types of information, thereby “avoiding circumstances which would limit my abilities for public commentary.” This amounts to the department announcing its intention to control the messaging of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman. This is not acceptable.
Once again, the DND ombudsman has asserted the commonly held belief that “the organization that an ombudsman is mandated to review should not have the power to determine what documents an ombudsman requires or has a right to review during the course of an investigation.”
Recent incidents regarding homeless veterans characterize my suggestion that our office is not being treated as one would expect an ombudsman should be. The department all but ignored my advice that they were not doing enough to address the specific needs of homeless veterans. They have deliberately withheld departmental information from our office. When my assertions captured the interest of the media, I was personally maligned. It was as if it came as a surprise that I would make public what I perceived to be systemic failings of the department.
Notwithstanding, I am now more committed than ever to encouraging the department to correct systemic problems with the way our veterans are being treated and to conducting myself in the way I think the Canadian public expects of a so-called ombudsman, in the truest sense of the word. Ultimately, it is the Canadian public to which we should all be accountable in the end.
That concludes my remarks.