I call the meeting to order.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our fourth meeting of this session.
I'm going to introduce our witnesses in just a moment, but I want to cover two previous things. If there's some discussion that we want to have about these issues, we can do it after the witness testimony. I'll save some time for some business at the end.
First off, I'd like you to know that your chairman and your clerk fought very heartily at the Liaison Committee and were able to sustain a good vote to get the budget to go to Ste. Anne's. That's been done, and the clerk will continue to arrange all the logistics for us to get there.
Secondly, I received a communication earlier from our analyst with some concern that a lot of the questioning that's been happening in our meetings has fallen into the health care services dimension of Veterans Affairs Canada and not in a dimension of the new Veterans Charter. The new Veterans Charter focuses mostly on rehabilitation, on compensation, on training, and a lot of our questioning has been around health care. The researchers basically asked me to inform you, and then with some feedback...as I said, either we can go into some business at the end or you can just tell me individually if you'd like to do a separate study on health care services. They are two different pieces of legislation and they're not really germane for one study.
That being said, if you're okay with how we proceed with that, we'll now go to our witnesses.
I will introduce to you Brigadier-General Kettle, André Bouchard, Colonel Gerry Blais, and as well we have Doug Chislett with us. It's my understanding that only Brigadier-General David Kettle has opening comments. Is that correct?
Mr. Bouchard, do you have opening comments as well?
Okay. They'll be under 10 minutes for both. Great.
Brigadier-General Kettle, you can begin, please, and then we'll go to Mr. Bouchard.