Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you very much, gentlemen, for coming.
I want to focus my comments mostly on the facts of the long-term health benefits for World War II and Korean War veterans, and those modern-day veterans, and those that fall under the charter.
We were at Ste. Anne's Hospital the other week and noticed one of the wings was closed because of lack of clientele. The reality is that we have many post-World War II and Korean War veterans who unfortunately are in their late seventies now and don't have access to these beds because of the current regulation.
Colonel Stogran, you indicated that World War II and Korean War veterans have access to those beds, but the reality is that not all of them have access to those beds. They have to meet pretty strict criteria, which I've always found rather unfortunate, because they basically classify who gets in and who doesn't.
So that's my first question for you, sir. With the rapid decline of our World War II and Korean War heroes because of the aging process--I think figures show that we lose anywhere from 90 to 100 a day in this country--and that of the RCMP veterans, wouldn't it make at least compassionate sense that these modern-day veterans, post-1953, should have access to long-term beds like those at Camp Hill, the Perley, Ste. Anne's, etc., etc.?
I say that because yesterday we got a news release from London, Ontario, that Parkwood is shutting down 36 beds in the fall and 36 more next year. That's 72 beds that will be gone, and people will be laid off. This is happening right across the country. My fear is that when the last Korean War veteran dies, there will be no types of beds like this for veterans, and that in a pseudo-sense, basically, the government would be transferring that responsibility onto the backs of the provinces. I'd like both of you to comment, please. I do thank you both very much for that.
I have one slight statement on this. With regard to the delay, Mr. Allard, of the report from the aging council back from DVA, I agree with you that you should have had a response by now. But in fairness to the department, they have just received a new minister, Jean-Pierre Blackburn. Is part of the delay possibly to give the minister a chance to get up to speed on this particular problem before a comprehensive response is sent to you? I just say that in fairness to the department.
Thank you.