Okay, thank you very much.
I'll move to Mr. Small. As an ex-officer, I personally understand how important it is to have the life experiences of a veteran on the board, at least in my humble opinion again.
For the benefit of this committee, and I know it's been stated but I'd like you to extrapolate on why you think it is important to have that hands-on personal experience of someone who has not only lived it, but has felt it.
I'll go back to Mr. Leduc for a response as well, if we have a moment and if I don't run out of time. Mr. Leduc, you had mentioned you didn't feel it was important to have a high composition of veterans. You said maybe 51%, but I'll get back to you in a second for you to respond to that.
Mr. Small, I'm looking for your personal opinion, and maybe Mr. Townsend as well, as to the composition of the veterans on the board. Should it be 70%, 100%, 20%? How important is it to have that personal experience?