Our client services group and the individuals working with schools across the country, curriculum-based, push out quite a bit of material. We also have group rates for students and discounts for student groups that arrive. All of this is with the idea of facilitating any travel to the museum from outside the region, as well as in the region.
We see an enormous number of groups that come from usually within a two- or three-hour driving range. As you can imagine, it's not always feasible for schools to organize other than that. We provide them with the material and offer them the discounted rates because we are Canada's national museum of military history and the need for the educational component of what we do is very important. We are very proactive within those communities, inviting school groups in.
We also work with a number of educational tour groups that exist in the country. There are a number of them that work out of the population centres--Toronto, Montreal, Calgary. They are specific private organizations that exist for the creation of educational tours. We work with them, they work with the schools in their areas, and then they bring people to the museum as well.