I just drew a graph. There are two aspects, I think, in the outcomes. The first aspect is that when a client signs up for any program or service, what has to be asked is “What are your expectations as a client of this program?” The second aspect that has to be clear is “What is the purpose of this program?” The client signs up based upon that. For example, if it's to get a job, “Am I getting a job?” If it's to become stable or to have a greater family reconnection, then in the end, the outcome, should be establishing not if they have completed the program, which is an output, but rather whether the purpose of the program has aligned with the outcome. When you look at an outcome, if you're talking about veteran-centric programming, a true outcome has to look at the client's perspective right from the beginning.
I did an exercise with a lot of organizations, and I said let's assess your mission statements, which in the charity field is critical, because it tells what exactly the purpose of your organization is. I will tell you that at least 50% of those organizations were not aligned with what people thought, and it was an eye-opener. If you look at some of the veterans who are coming in with PTSD, with anxiety, or with any other form of depression, then you have to be clear on what the purpose of that program is. It's the outcome, the end result, that measures that purpose. If there's an alignment, you've reduced anxiety. It's like an experience I had at the Mayo Clinic. They told me what that outcome was going to be, and it reduced my anxiety.
An outcome is not based on number of programs served, it's not based upon the number of people who have completed the program, and it's not based on the number of people enrolled in the program. Those are all good, by the way, and that's not to say that these are bad measures, but at the end of the day, if you're going to a doctor, what is your outcome? You hope to be cured, and you hope to have some way to manage your future. If the doctor just says, “Well, thanks for coming out”, and if you haven't been given me any solutions, then how are you going to feel? That's typical of a lot of the service organizations across Canada, and it's not just with veterans and DND. Unfortunately, it's widespread.