I call this meeting to order. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on October 27, 2020, the committee is resuming its study on supports and services to veterans, caregivers and families.
Welcome to all of the witnesses who have taken the time to join us today. I will introduce you here all at once and then we'll get right into opening remarks.
From the Caregivers' Brigade, we have Marie-Andrée Malette, director for veteran families. We also are joined by Jeanette McLeod, director of community education; and Paula Ramsay, director for serving families. Welcome to you all. From Caregiving Matters, we are joined by Mary Bart, who is the chair. Appearing as individuals, we have retired navy captain Angus Cameron from the Canadian Armed Forces; as well as Mr. Richard Lavallée.
We're going to give each organization or individual an opportunity to have five minutes for opening remarks, and then we'll proceed with rounds of questions.
We'll start with the Caregivers' Brigade.
I believe Marie-Andrée is going to start us off. If so, the next five minutes are all yours.