Well, our case managers and our veterans service agents are in situations of being in direct and regular interaction with the veterans they serve. These are conversations, as I think Mr. Harris indicated, that transpire regularly. There are a lot of phone calls by the veteran to their case manager or their veterans service agent and by the veterans service agent or the case manager to the veteran to make sure they're doing okay, to make sure they have the supports they require, to ensure they are getting access to not just health supports but also social supports and supports with respect to employment, connection to community and everything else. That's a regular undertaking.
There's a relationship that's built up between these individuals, and an important level of trust, of course, needs to be established through that relationship. The communication is active. We seek to be responsive and to provide the right advice and direction to the veteran so they can live a healthy life. That's really at the heart of these relationships and our service to them.