Thank you very much, Chair.
I want to thank each individual for being here today and for your testimony.
I want to thank you, as well, for your roles. I'm sure you hear a lot of stories and a lot of things that affect you.
I know it was brought up earlier by my colleague, the report that came up from StatsCan. When you analyze that, it's up 3.5%, and there are fewer people reporting and who want to come forward. To me, it speaks to why they wouldn't want to come forward.
We've had a lot of testimony to that in this committee, quite frankly. Your organization seems like it's been called the biggest insurance company, or it's hard to deal with like an insurance company. If you had Google reviews, they would be terrible, quite frankly, for the organization as a whole. When that report comes out, who is seeing that report? Is there any plan coming forward from the department to look into that a little further right away?
The other thing is that I was on the national defence committee before, and at the time, we had the sexual misconduct study. Since then, it actually seems worse. We had a young reservist who was here saying it was still going on, pretty much. She's out of it now, but currently, those attitudes are carrying on. From that study, from what you see, what has been implemented by the department, knowing that we did a long study at that time too?
What did you get out of that and implement into the department that is making a change today?