Mr. Speaker, today, October 24, is United Nations Day. Forty-nine years ago, on October 24, 1945, the Charter of the United Nations came into effect.
This anniversary is cause for special celebrations as it marks the beginning of the 50th year of operation of this organization.
I wish to thank all the Canadian men and women who have contributed over the past 49 years to building this great international organization. I am particularly grateful to those who promoted its growth over the years, as events unfolded, ensuring that it remain an organization concerned with meeting the major challenges of modern-day and with working relentlessly to promote international peace and security.
Allow me to take this opportunity to emphasize the outstanding contribution of the men and women who risk their lives to defend the principles the UN stands for. I am thinking in particular of the 2,745 or so members of our Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police serving under the UN flag in more than nine peacekeeping operations around the world.
I also thank the United Nations Association in Canada which through its efforts has made the work of the United Nations organization known to the Canadian general public.
During this year of celebrations which begins today the association would be doubly involved on the Canadian scene. On one hand, it will continue its daily work and, on the other hand, via the Canadian committee for the United Nations 50th anniversary, will co-ordinate the activities that will take place throughout the year in commemoration of this important event.
The field of activity covered by the United Nations is the cornerstone of Canadian foreign policy. The challenges facing the UN in matters of peacekeeping, international security, the promotion of democracy and the struggle for equality and human rights are all considered vitally important in Canadian eyes as well.
More than ever the community of nations and states needs a strong, credible, international institution equipped with the proper tools to face the challenge that awaits it at the dawn of the 21st century.
In closing, I ask all members of the House to support this declaration since it reaffirms Canada's commitment to the values that presided nearly half a century ago over the creation of the United Nations organization, a multilateral institution which today more than ever is a necessary part of internationalism and its ideals.