Mr. Speaker, a few weeks ago I was asked by one of the parliamentary pages if I would sponsor a reception for them. Of all the members of Parliament they chose me. I was quite surprised and honoured.
Today I stand before the House to pay tribute to the pages because without them we would not be able to function as efficiently and as effectively as we do. These young women and young men are extremely bright, highly motivated and possess a particular charm which I hope each one of us has had the opportunity to experience.
I have on occasion had the opportunity to talk with many if not all the pages. I truly admire their commitment to their duties as well as their ability to thoroughly enjoy what they are doing. They have at times made my job a lot easier. I only hope I did not make their job more difficult.
As we will soon be saying goodbye to this particular group of pages, I wish them all continued success in their future endeavours. I ask my colleagues in the House to join me in an ovation to show our sincere appreciation.