Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the efforts of Walter Gumprich, a CESO volunteer who lives in my riding of Saskatoon-Humboldt. He has just completed his assignment with the Vologda regional government in Russia.
CESO is supported by CIDA, the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Canadian corporations and individuals.
Speaking with Walter this morning, I learned that he had held a seminar for 150 government, business and farm personnel on consumer driven economics. I also learned of how he assisted Russian farmers with management issues such as operations, financial management and marketing. Before conducting such seminars, Walter spent time in the area to familiarize himself with the reality of farming in Russia in 1996. I was struck by his comment that there is little value in fine marketing theories when the biggest obstacle facing the Russian farmer in selling his crop is a lack of protection on the highway against hijackers on his way to market.
Walter said after his work in Russia he realized even more vividly how lucky we are to live in Canada. I would add how lucky we are to have committed volunteers like Walter representing us throughout the world.