Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to speak on this bill. I am discouraged that closure has been moved on it.
There are so many important things that need to be mentioned. I would like to mention a few, based on some of my travels over the last year, talking to ordinary Canadians all across the land. Most Canadians really do not understand a lot of the details of budgeting. Certainly I do not. However, they have been asking questions. I would like to relay some of the messages I have heard.
First, the one thing of which Canadians are certainly aware is the huge debt. They feel it is the one thing that is tearing the guts out of our social programs. It is hurting our agricultural programs and it is hindering the country in a number of areas.
I have been waiting to hear a Liberal member address the debt, but I never have. All I hear is a lot of rhetoric and glorified stories about what a wonderful thing the budget is. However, they never talk about the debt which will continue to be a serious problem.
When the finance minister read his budget he said: "When we came here the deficit was at 6 per cent of GDP. Then it was at 5 per cent. Then it was at 4 per cent. Then it was at 3 per cent. Next year the deficit will be at 2 per cent of GDP". The crowd opposite cheered. Of course, most Canadians were not sure what they were cheering about. If he had said: "When we came here we were $450 billion in debt. Then we were $500 billion in debt. Then we were $550 billion in debt. Then we were $600 billion in debt. Now we are moving to $650 billion in debt and before we reach 2 per cent of GDP we will be pushing nearly $700 billion in debt," that would have made sense.
Instead of talking about the deficit going from $40 billion to $35 billion, to $30 billion, to $25 billion and then to $20 billion, he should have said that our interest payments have gone from $30 billion to $35 billion to $40 billion to $45 billion and that we are on our way to more than $50 billion, that would have made sense. People could understand that.
They would question: How can we do that? How can we afford that problem? When our deficit is decreasing at a pace and our interest on the debt is increasing at a pace, and the pace is fairly level, all Canadians are saying: "Why do we not get the deficit to zero in order to stop paying interest?" The debt would stop growing.
That is what Reformers have been saying since we arrived. Let us do that. Let us stop that growth. It is tearing the country apart. It has brought us to the point where the biggest expenditure we have is the one which services the huge debt.
I am going to talk about the things people understand when we are sitting on the tailgate of their truck, in their barnyard, in their small store and in a small community.
We see different reports that come from different sources, such as the Canadian Taxpayers Association and other groups which look at government spending. They will be asking these kinds of questions: Why are we spending so much money? Why do we do that?
We look at the waste reports which my colleague from St. Albert so capably put together.
Many of the people in my riding of Wild Rose wonder why we are giving grants to businesses such as Beyer, Brown and Associates. Who is that to get half a million dollars? What about a real estate company getting $15,000?
Breakwater Books Limited, Big Bill's Furniture and Appliance, Sears, Canadian Wine, Walch's Family Foods, Navy and Army stores, on and on it goes. It is grant after grant after grant to these businesses.
They have a hard time understanding why businesses in Wild Rose are not receiving any of these grants. "What is the story behind that," they ask. There is no answer. Why does this kind of spending continually go on?
People keep looking a little farther. It is too bad you are not my age, Mr. Speaker. You would really appreciate this one: $116,000 on a committee on seniors and sexuality. Boy, it makes me feel really good now that I am getting old to know a committee would get that kind of money to study seniors and sexuality.
There is page after page of lists of grants given to do this and that. Pretty soon one starts adding it all up and find it comes to millions of dollars.
That is what the people in the countryside are talking about. They are asking: What is going on? Where do we have that kind of spending? What is happening? Why is it that you can come to the House of Commons and hear people denounce us because we are politicians?
Recently Alberta radio station CHQR-770 took a poll on what is your favourite occupation and for whom do you have the most admiration. Politicians were right beneath lawyers. We were way down the list.
It was not until I came here that I found out part of the reason. There is a great deal of difference between being a politician and a leader or a statesman. When the minister of human resources stands, as he has done on a number of occasions, speaking about the million children who are living in poverty in our country, it is cause for concern. What are we doing about it?
We hear different reports about the crimes being committed in cities where we have many street kids and many difficulties. We hear about 11, 12 and 13-year old girls who are being arrested for prostitution. There are pimps being arrested and, of course, they are let off the hook with a minor charge. You hear these things. You know the costs involved. We wonder as we sit in this House and talk about them. In the meantime, we spend money like there is no end of it. We waste it on the things I mentioned such as golf courses and grants.
It does not make sense to Canadians. It does not make sense to me. What is even worse is when politicians are sitting here, with the leader sitting on the other side of the House, driving up here in a limousine with a driver, going around with your nose stuck in the air because you have a highfalutin position in this place. You are not willing to cough that up, nor are you willing to join some of us who gave up our MP pensions because that might help with some of those costs and bring things into line.
When we start talking about those issues, they immediately get a bit concerned because the people opposite do not want to talk about that. Not one time has the waste or the lack of support for the things that would help us start fighting crime been mentioned.
They talk about poverty being a reason for crime. Let us do something about it. They talk about the problems in the streets. Look at the penitentiaries. A number of things are happening there. We want people to be released. That is the idea. They are going to come out.
We provide them with programs such as cognitive skills. They come out with a paper saying that they have cognitive skills but that does not get them a job. They walk out of the prison with $80 in their pockets. The paper says that they have cognitive skills. It does not mean a thing.
Two or three days later, they are back in jail. They are back in trouble. Why are we not doing something about that? Why do we not redirect some of our money to fight the very things which cause those things to happen? Why do we not train some of these people to become useful workers?
We can incorporate these cognitive skills into any program if we know what we are doing. We can help these people so that when they do get out crime will go down. When crime goes down, boy, talk about saving dollars. We do not want crime happening in this country because it really does a good job of supporting our legal system. It does not do anything for justice but it sure keeps our lucrative legal system going.
Let us train them. Let us create some discipline. But what do we do? Last year we spent a million dollars to make sure everybody in prison had cable TV. Maybe that is too much. Then of course $180,000 was spent to provide condoms in men's prisons throughout the country. I am having a difficult time with that one.
Then of course there is this bleach project. We have to make sure the prisoners' needles are clean so we are going to spend a lot of money to give them clean needles. Why do we not go into our prisons and put an end to the drugs? Why do we not have the political will and courage to go into these places and put an end to it? Then when those people came out of prison they would be rehabilitated from the very problem that got them in there in the first place. Why not spend money on training them?
Why do we not look at the idea of putting more police back on the streets where we can help kids? We could give them a little more authority to work with the kids rather than having to follow the little book right to the letter. Put more police out there. Oh, but that costs more money.
I have an idea. Let us not register the rifles and shotguns. Let us take that $85 million, using the justice minister's own figures, and hire another 2,000 police. If we used the auditor general's figure of $1 billion, then we should not hire 2,000 police, we should hire 20,000. If that is going to help prevent crime it will mean a great amount of savings to society as a whole. It will mean a great deal to the morals and values of our communities.
When I was a school principal if any violence broke out at the school and it looked as if things were getting a little carried away, the last thing I would do would be to give them blackjacks and clubs. That is what the government is doing with bleach projects, condoms and all these other things. It is telling the prisoners that it is okay and we will make it better.
None of this makes sense to normal Canadians. I hope I am normal. Sometimes I wonder myself when I walk out of here. I walk out of here and I hear people like that member from Saskatchewan who just clapped over there. That same member would sit in committee and say that our schools are the same as
they were 40 years ago. Hogwash. Forty years ago chewing gum was the major problem in schools. Today it does not evencome close.
I sit in the justice committee and watch them interview people from the field of education. The final decision was that schools are no different from when we attended. What a bunch of baloney. The government is not recognizing the problems that are coming up and how to deal with them. Instead, the government tries to feed the problem by allowing this to go on. Not one government member will give up their limousine to help. Not one of them will give up their pension. They will hang on to that. Why not redirect that money into problem areas and help solve these things? It does not make sense.
When I was in the school system there were ivory towers there as well. I was given a budget every year and was told to spend it. At the end of one year I had $2,000 left in the physical education budget. I was told I had to spend this money or I would lose it. I said I did not need it in the physical education budget but I needed some math books or something else. I was told no, I had to spend it or lose it. That was the mentality at that level of government and it exists here.
Not too long ago some CIDA workers told me that there was $200,000 which they could have turned back into the federal government coffers but they were ordered by those in the ivory tower to spend it. That does not surprise me. It is what happens at every level of government. They figure out some trip, take the bureaucrats and away they go.
I challenge members of the House to stop being politicians and think about being statesmen. Start looking at some things they can sacrifice or do to help the causes and let us see where it goes. Change the attitude to one where they are here to serve the people instead of the other way around as it appears because they have to have this or that or go here or there. Those are the kinds of things people in the communities of this land do not understand and I have a hard time understanding them as well.
We can stand here talking about the millions of starving children who are living in poverty and not do anything about it for two and one-half years. Well, there are opportunities to do something. We just have to have the political will and the political courage to do so.
Instead the arrogant Liberals sit over there with their pompous little attitudes and let it be known that they are in power and they are doing what the people wanted them to do. Well, I am not finding that to be the case. I did not find that to be the case when I travelled through Manitoba a week ago or in Saskatchewan the week before that or when I was on the west coast or in southern Ontario. I did not hear the same messages I am hearing from across the way.
I am not sure how I will be received when I return to Wild Rose next week. I will tell my constituents that I know what kind of people they are. If there was a huge flood and a region needed help, they would be the first to cough up some dollars and give a lending hand. No doubt about it, they would help.