Mr. Speaker, why strike a subcommittee to study sports in Canada? Is it because our national passion, hockey, is going south? Do we need a study to know the NHL is a multi-billion dollar, multinational business funded by $80 tickets, special viewing box seats and TV revenue from mass markets?
NHL owners and players are pricing hockey out of its cradle, our home, Canada.
The committee mandate, with an emphasis on hockey, will also touch on other sports, both professional and amateur, in 30 meetings and will table a report by June 1998. This is completely unrealistic, resulting in either a lightweight study having no real value or worse a request to expand the hearings tenfold. The study is either a waste of time or a blank cheque.
Why are we doing it? Donovan Bailey, Silken Lauman, Nancy Green, Kurt Browning, Sylvie Frechette and of course Paul Henderson. Need I name more? Canadians are proud of their athletes but this study will do nothing to support—