Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to rise to debate Bill C-223, an act to amend the Income Tax Act with respect to the deduction of interest on mortgage loans. Before I get into the speech itself I would like to take this opportunity to thank the member for Portage—Lisgar for all his hard work in seeing this bill come to fruition and debate in this House.
The purpose of this bill is to provide for the tax deduction of interest paid by a taxpayer on the first $100,000 of a mortgage loan to first time home buyers.
Many of us here have had the experience of purchasing a home. It is a huge investment which gives a lot of security and joy. However, it is also the cause of a lot of stress and doubt. This, in many cases, is not simply the purchase of property, but the purchase of a home. A home is for families to grow together in, a place of security and a site of well-being.
Although the physical house may hold some importance for families, it is the psychological and social aspects of a home that people hold dear to them. A house is for living, but a home is to cherish.
One may wonder where I am going with this. In today's economy many young families simply cannot afford to purchase a house to make a home. Many young people start out facing an enormous financial burden, as most already have a huge debt load from pursuing their post-secondary education and getting started in their lives.
Knowing the economic realities that most young people face today, they have some other debts to pay, such as credit card debts with large balances. There is also the unseen debt that every single Canadian faces every time they pay a tax and also the enormous national debt that has been built up over the decades.
We should look at this bill as an intervention toward tax reduction. To put it more simply, young people today simply cannot afford to purchase a house on top of all the other expenses and taxes they have to pay. Instead of purchasing a home many couples, in essence, withdraw from their disposable income and throw money into rental properties that they will never recover and never receive benefits from when they could be using that money toward creating equity in a house.
The money saved in taxes could be used for paying down other debts or to increase their savings. In essence, buying a home is the largest single step that most people take in achieving retirement security. It is an investment that lasts a lifetime.
Bill C-223 would provide Canadians with an extra opportunity to purchase their first house by giving them a much needed tax break, making ownership more feasible. The economic spinoffs of such a move would also help local economies, especially the Canadian housing industry. It would also benefit the industries that supply furniture, finishings and fittings that go into equipping and maintaining a home.
This initiative, Bill C-223, which has been brought forward by the hon. member for Portage—Lisgar, has widespread support from a variety of groups and individuals. In the short time I have I would like to quote from one of the supporters, although the theme expressed here is shared by many other organizations. I speak of the national trade association of the manufactured housing industry.
After reviewing the content of Bill C-223, the association said they “support both the logic behind the provisions of the bill and the limitations that have been applied. Limiting the benefits to first time homebuyers and the first $100,000 of a mortgage will have a highly desirable effect of increasing home ownership among our young families”.
The association goes on to say “In our opinion, increased home ownership is of considerable benefit to the homebuyer, the community and the greater economy. Home ownership helps to foster stable families and stable communities. More housing demand will stimulate new housing development and produce secondary benefits throughout the local economy”.
I believe that the provisions of this bill would create a very enviable situation. I am sure that I speak for many of my hon. colleagues on all sides of the House when I say that stimulating the economy is very desirable and something that should be encouraged as much as possible.
Looking at my own riding of Cariboo—Chilcotin, I know that I would readily support any initiative, whether federal, provincial or local, which would have a positive economic spinoff for our local economy. With the economic downturn in the province of British Columbia we are in need of initiatives that will boost local economies.
There has been some opposition to the idea proposed in the bill. However, I feel this opposition is unwarranted. Opponents suggest that this would give an unfair financial advantage to homeowners over those who rent. This is simply untrue.
There are provisions by Revenue Canada that benefit those who own rental properties. Many types of expenditures are deductible from rental revenue in the year they are incurred, including property taxes, insurance, advertising, maintenance and repairs. Also interest paid on money borrowed to purchase or to improve rental properties can be deducted. Savings experienced by rental property owners can be passed on to tenants in the form of lower rents.
There has been some concern in recent years over the brain drain that has plagued Canada. With the highest level of taxation in all the G-7 countries, many of Canada's finest talents leave our country in search of jobs in the United States. Why do many Canadians leave for jobs south of the border? Very often it is for a lower rate of taxation.
Currently all U.S. mortgage interest payments are deductible. When homes are sold the vendors do not have to pay capital gains tax on the first $500,000. Bill C-223 would place Canada on a more level playing field with the United States and may make the decision to remain here a lot easier for Canadians.
In closing, I encourage members of all parties to support the bill. This initiative can play an important role in serving as a building block for not only a stronger family unit but a stronger local community and a stronger economy.
Passage of the bill would provide great and needed benefit, particularly to young Canadians who despite their economic vulnerability bear enormous financial burdens. Young Canadians would be given the opportunity to set down roots and to eliminate some of their debts while at the same time being helped to prepare for the future. This is something we could all be proud of. It could even mean the difference between the same individuals staying in the community or leaving the country.
Again I thank the member for Portage—Lisgar for introducing the bill and for his initiative with regard to tax reduction.