(a) Approximately 60% of the north coast sport catch is taken by lodge clients.
(b) The arrangement made between the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, DFO, Queen Charlotte Island, QCI, lodge operators and the Sport Fishing Institute of British Columbia, SFI, was that the SFI would collect and collate catch information from the lodges on QCI and provide the information to DFO.
(c) August 1, 1995.
(d) On August 1, 1995 and the first report to DFO was August 8, 1995.
(e) Lodge operators were concerned about the confidentiality of weekly catch information from individual lodges and wanted only a summary to be released.
(f) Yes, a recreational catch ceiling had been imposed in statistical areas 1 and 2. Weekly information was required to track the catch.
(g) The catch ceiling was established to keep the north coast recreational harvest of west coast of Vancouver Island chinook at a level to achieve conservation goals.
(h) The recreational catch limit for chinook in statistical areas 1 and 2 was reduced from 2 per day and 4 possession to 1 per day and 2 possession on July 19, 1995.
(i/j) The catch data were provided as requested, and sufficient for both scientists and managers. The SFI was prompted on occasion to provide the data. Independent checks were done on the data provided and there was nothing to suggest the data were inaccurate.
(k) November 1995; the M.V. Marabell left QCI the second week of July, before the agreement with SFI.
(l) The information was not received during the summer of 1995 and was provided through SFI in November 1995 in a useable form.
(m) The catch data were not useful for in-season management.
(n) The catch data provided are considered accurate. The catch by guests of the M.V. Marabell form a very small portion of the total catch.
(o) The catch data for King Salmon Resort in Rivers Inlet were received directly from Oak Bay Marine Group in November 1995. The agreement with the SFI was to supply catch data from only QCI lodges.
(p) The information was not received during the summer of 1995 and was provided through SFI in November 1995 in a useable form.
(q) Catch data from Rivers Inlet lodges are not used for in-season management.
(r) The catch data would be the same.
(s) (i) Information resquested: Number, sex, size, weight, species, product form, and other particulars of fish caught, processed, or transported by King Salmon Resort-Rivers Inlet, its clients and employees; and the time, and place all fish were caught and retained and the person and vessel which caught and retained the fish. The August 7 request was for the lodge to comply with the August 2 request.
(ii) Time period: No specific time indicated as it was believed the information would be for the entire 1995 season.
(iii) Information provided: In the form as required of the charterboat sport fish log book program.
(iv) The information was to be provided during the season.
(t) (i) Information resquested: Number, sex, size, weight, species, product form, and other particulars of fish caught, processed, or transported by M.V. Marabell , its clients and employees; and the time, and place all fish were caught and retained and the person and vessel which caught and retained the fish. The August 9 request was for the lodge to comply with the August 1 request.
(ii) Time period: No specific time indicated as it was believed the information would be for the 1995 season.
(iii) Information provided: In the form as required of the charterboat sport fish log book program.
(iv) The information was to be provided during the season.
(u) No charges were laid for failure of the lodges to provide catch data to DFO on a timely basis by way of the SFI because catch data were received on August 8, 1995
(v) All QCI lodges refused to give data directly to DFO and gave catch data to SFI.
(w) The lack of catch data on a timely basis from sport fish lodges had a samll impact on the department's ability to manage the QCI sport fishery in season to within the established chinook catchcap. In the absence of this information fish managers anticipated catch levels based on previous data and other catch data. It did not compromise their ability to ensure the total catch was below the established ceiling.