Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to have this opportunity to comment on the budget. I have been commenting on the mismanagement of public funds by the government over the last few weeks, but that all ties in to the budget and I want to make some remarks today in that regard.
Over the last few years, in particular under the Liberal government, the budget has become much less a fiscal document and more of a political document. This budget was no exception. In fact it continued the trend.
The budget took what I would call a shotgun approach to government spending. It has thinly spread new tax money in all directions, with no commitment to controlling taxpayer funds and virtually ignoring the tax strain on middle class families.
The government and the finance minister, in spite of the minister's undeserved reputation for good management, have actually overspent the budget terribly over the last few years. In 1997-98 the minister exceeded his projected spending by $3 billion. Remember, a billion dollars is like winning a lottery for $1 million, or winning the Who Wants to be a Millionaire program, except that a person would have to do that three times every day for a whole year to have it total $1 billion.
The finance minister, the so-called good manager, overspent in 1997-98 by $3 billion. In other words, he said he would spend $105 billion and he actually spent over $108 billion. That was in 1997-98.
What did he do in 1998-99? He overspent again; not by $3 billion, but by $7 billion. If we ran our households or businesses that way we would be in real trouble. Canadians know that, but the finance minister had no problem overspending in 1997-98 and 1998-99, by $3 billion and $7 billion respectively, and he is still calling himself a good manager. I have to wonder whether he lives in the real world.
In 1999-2000 he told us he would spend $111 billion. Lo and behold, we find that what he actually will spend is $115 billion. That is overspending by $4 billion.
The finance minister has a very poor track record for staying within his budget. That is one of the points we want to make today.
In addition, he has gone on a spending spree. Not content to overspend year by year from what he told us he was going to spend, he has now decided to go on a real spending spree. Over the next five years he has promised a spending spree of $86 billion. That is money which Canadians will have to work to produce to funnel into the finance minister's treasure chest so that he can do all of the things he finds so enjoyable.
I will not go through the list, but almost no program spending will receive less this year than last year. Even the human resources department, which has just been found by its own audit to have bungled at least $1 billion in spending, will get almost another quarter of a billion dollars to do the same thing. I have to wonder if there is any prudence or good management left in the government.
The finance minister not only is continuing to spend, he has been spending huge amounts. In the next two years he will increase program spending by $10 billion. The finance minister tries to tell Canadians that he will give them some of their money back because he does not need it all. He is taking more than he needs, so he will give back some of it. However, we find that is not the case. What he is really doing is using $86 billion of that money, not to pay down our terrible debt, not to give it back to us so that we can do something for our families; no, he is going to spend it.
What is the government spending money on and why? What are its priorities? Over the past number of years we heard that it would get rid of the GST. That was its priority. That was dropped. Then we heard that health care was its priority. Then we heard that children were the priority.
Really, it is very clear, and becoming clearer year by year, that the real priority of the government is simply to be re-elected and to use our money in such a way as to persuade us to keep voting for it.
Let us look at the Liberal record. In 1993 the Liberals came on the scene, put their hands over their hearts and said that they would be the saviours of the Canada Health Act. Let us look at what they did.
In 1996-97 they cut transfers for health care by almost $4 billion; this at a time when health care costs were rising due to new innovations. Also, our population is aging. What was the result? Not a stronger health care system, but a weakened one under the Liberal government. Not only have the Liberals cut health care, they have not even said that they would maintain any of the small increases which they finally announced, under much pressure.
It amuses me to hear Liberals trash premiers like Premier Harris when they are the authors of the misfortune of the health care system, which they love to blame on other people.
This year, with this budget, less than $1 billion more will go to health care. That is less than $30 per Canadian which the government has dredged up to help a floundering health care system, which they helped to deadly wound. In spite of the fact that they will spend $86 billion more over the next five years, $1 billion next year will go to health care. In fact, this $1 billion will not be dedicated to health care alone, it will be dedicated to health care and education. The provinces will have to decide where to spend the money. That inevitably means that less than $1 billion will be spent on health care, less than $1 billion from a government that has $86 billion more to spend over the next five years.
The Liberals have cut almost $25 billion out of health and social cash transfers since they came to power. They put only $5 billion back in the last two years. In other words, for every dollar they put back they have slashed five, so they have barely begun to repair the damage they have done, and yet they love to blame other people and misrepresent other parties' positions on health care when they are the ones who have given a deadly wound to this important program for Canadians.
I want to examine the whole area of tax cuts. As hon. members know, the Liberals have had a great deal to say about the fact that they would cut taxes. Let us look at what they have actually done.
The tax cuts were announced at $58 billion. That sounds like a good, big figure, does it not? Let us look at the facts of this $58 billion tax cut, which will happen over five years. I point out that $7.5 billion is actually not a tax cut at all, but an increase to the child tax benefit, which is really more social spending. How more social spending equals a tax cut only a Liberal could explain, but it is definitely not a tax cut because somebody will have to put that money into the finance minister's hands so that he can offer it as a top-up to the child tax benefit. The finance minister has already lost $7.5 billion from his $58 billion in so-called tax relief.
Then we look at the $30 billion that Canadians will have to pay over the next five years in increased CPP premiums. Liberals like to say that this is really an investment in our pension, that it is not really a tax. However, the fact is that there is nearly $500 billion worth of debt in the CPP system. That money will not go to new pensions, it will be put into the finance minister's hands to pay for pensions which are already being received.
This is a debt. This is an unfunded liability. This increase in CPP spending will not benefit solely the people who are putting the money in. It is going to pay off the debt the Liberals have run up in our pension system. That is another $29.5 billion off the so-called $58.5 billion of tax relief.
Then we have a very interesting Liberal sleight of hand which says “if we were going to tax you but decided not to, that is a tax cut. It is not less than we are taxing now, but it actually cancels out some of the taxes we were going to charge”, like bracket creep, for example.
In fact, $13.5 billion falls into that category. That leaves a real net tax relief over five years of $7.9 billion. Over each of those years there is less than a $2 billion relief. For each taxpayer that amounts to just over $100 a year in real tax relief or almost $9 a month. Let us have a celebration. Each taxpayer will get a grand cut from the finance minister of $2 a week. I hope they do not spend it all in one place.
Since the finance minister took over his portfolio he has raised the yearly tax bill of Canadians by $104 billion. Those are the facts. Liberal sleight of hand and Liberal rejigging of the terminology do not hide the fact that they are not giving a tax break. The fact of the matter is that by looking at their paycheques month by month and year by year Canadians will see there is virtually no change in their tax position in spite of the grand rhetoric of the finance minister and members opposite. It is just not there.
I want to spend some time on the control of government spending. The finance minister will spend $86 billion more over the next five years. We are very interested as Canadians to see how he has managed the money so far because now he will be putting even more out the door.
The record is not reassuring to say the very least. This is what a recent audit showed on $1 billion worth of spending a year. In 11% of the cases there was no description of the expected results of the spending. In other words, the money was shovelled out the door with no clear idea at all of what it would achieve. It was just “It is not my money. There is lots where that came from. Canadians pay lots of taxes. Let us just send it out the door”.
In 15% of the cases no one had even applied for the money. Maybe they just went through the yellow pages and said “I think Joe should have a few dollars of other people's money. Let us cut him a cheque”. I do not know. There was no application.
In 25% of the cases there was no description of the activities to be supported. This was supposed to create jobs, but there was no description of exactly how that would be achieved. I guess it was on blind faith: if they put money out there it will surely do some good. It does not sound to me like the kind of management we would want for our money, but that is what happened.
In 46% of the cases there was no estimate of the number of job participants. They were to create jobs but they did not have any idea of how many people would participate in the program.
In 72% of the cases there was no cash flow forecast. We have no idea what these outfits that are supposed to create jobs are doing with the money: where they will get it or where they will spend it. There was no financial plan at all.
In 80% of the cases there was no financial monitoring. In 87% of the cases there was no evidence of supervision. Money was just given out with no supervision. We have heard day after day in the House of how that money has been abused, misused and ripped off. It is not achieving the results the government either hoped it would or says it does.
In 97% of the cases there was not even a background check on the recipients of this money, some of whom we know had very shady and chequered pasts. This is how our money has been spent in the past. However it appears to be of no concern to the finance minister. It did not merit a single line in the budget.
Can we imagine what would happen if a company had come forward to give its yearly report to the shareholders and there had been this level of massive mismanagement of the company's money and not a word in the report about what had happened, what were the consequences and what would happen to the operation as a result? There was not a word. They are to spend $86 billion more in the same way, with the same kind of mismanagement. That is the only conclusion that can be drawn, and that is a serious concern for Canadians.
We have a very serious situation in the country. We have a budget that pretends to give tax relief when, if we really look at what is being done, the tax relief amounts to less than $2 billion a year for the next five years. At the same time $86 billion in new spending is being shovelled out the door in an atmosphere and in circumstances where there are serious questions about the government's management and administration of the money it already has. It is so bad in fact that there are numerous instances where the RCMP has had to be called in to get to the bottom of how public moneys have been mismanaged.
That is what we are facing today in the budget which did not even address these serious concerns and had fake tax breaks. When we look at the numbers they are simply not there. They are either more social spending, or they are offset by increased taxes for other programs, or they were simply taxes the government was to impose but thought the better of it. They are counted as tax cuts when they are nothing of the sort.
These are troubled times for Canadians. I receive e-mails, letters and phone calls day by day. I know other members do as well, even members on that side of the House. Canadians are asking what is going on. They work hard. They pay their taxes. They trust the government to do the right thing with them, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that it is incapable and unworthy of that kind of trust.
I submit that this budget, this finance minister and this government are not providing the leadership to serve Canadians well and do not merit the support of the House or of Canadians.