Mr. Speaker, my colleagues will be joining in the debate discussing the wide range of important and complex issues that are involved in both the trade question and the summit of the Americas generally, ranging from means by which we ensure we are able to preserve unique Canadian systems, such as our supply management system, through to the importance of generating the growth which is the basis of any society's ability to afford social and economic programs.
One of the unique qualities of Canada is how much we are connected to all the world. One of the challenges of policy is to build on those connections. For too long as a country we did not engage enough in our hemisphere. That was due in part to earlier Liberal governments wanting to avoid conflict with the United States over issues in the Americas. That was why we waited so very long before we joined the Organization of American States.
I am proud to have been part of a government that put that fear aside and brought Canada fully into the family of the Americas. As foreign minister, I was privileged to be the first Canadian minister to occupy the seat of Canada at the Organization of American States and to participate in the meeting of heads of government in Costa Rica at which the idea of a summit of the Americas first appeared.
We have a multitude of interests in common. Many of them we have pursued through the Commonwealth and la Francophonie in the Caribbean, but there is much more to do in the Americas on issues ranging from fighting poverty, to encouraging trade, to ensuring fair labour practices, to dealing with the threat of drugs, to encouraging gender equality, to other human rights issues.
However most public attention in these next days will be on trade issues, so let me begin my intervention in this debate by expressing my very strong support and that of my party for more open, freer rules based trade in the hemisphere and in the world.
I am proud to be the leader today of the political party that had the vision and the courage to break Canada out of a protectionist mould and to prepare us to face and to lead the inevitable transformations that occur to any society in a globalizing economy.
My friends in the New Democratic Party have a different view of that decision than I do. To their credit, their view today is the same as their view was when we initiated the free trade agreement. That same honour and consistency cannot be claimed by the Liberal Party, which did everything it could to stop the changes it celebrates today.
The Minister for International Trade noted last year, and I quote, “Most of the two million new jobs created since 1993 are related to our growth in trade”, yet the Liberal Party fought that agreement, fought that growth and fought those jobs with every resource it could muster.
The word hypocritical is unparliamentary so I will not use it even though it applies precisely to the Liberal Party's position on trade.
As regards this debate, I still remember how, barely 15 years ago, the top guns of the Liberal Party argued that regional trade agreements would jeopardize the signing of broader international trade agreements. That argument was not valid back then and is still not valid today.
By continuing to push for the regulation of liberalized trade in our hemisphere, we will get closer to our objective at the world level.
It should also be mentioned that, for years, Liberal governments did not want Canada to fully participate in our hemisphere.
The symbol of these years of Liberal government remains Canada's unoccupied seat at the Organization of American States. The OAS always reserved that seat for us, in the hope of benefiting from our balanced position and our leadership. That opportunity and that responsibility were ignored until a Progressive Conservative government decided that Canada should take on its responsibilities as member of the Organization of American States. It was then that our country strengthened its reputation as a leader in the world community and in the Americas.
This is an altogether different issue, but I believe that the progress we have made toward regulating liberalized trade must absolutely be part of any serious commitment to reducing poverty, misery and despair in the world.
One of the most damning charges against the government, a government formed by the party of Lester Pearson, is how cruelly it has cut Canada's contribution to official development assistance and let languish Canada's reputation as a leader in international development.
I am proud to lead a party today which was committed to both international development and a freer trade. I hope the present government will follow both those examples.
We have learned lessons at home that we can apply internationally in these discussions and in others, lessons about the difficulties that can be created for certain members of any society by freer trade arrangements and certainly the difficulties that can be caused to sectors of our society by the forces of globalization.
It is foolish for a parliament or a government to ignore those problems. It is foolish to pretend we can turn our backs on the world. We must recognize that when we deal with globalizing forces and trends problems are created for groups of citizens within Canada and throughout the Americas that must be addressed. They must be addressed by social, educational and other policies.
In that context I will speak tonight about rules in international trade. We should seek reforms that not only bring down barriers but build up standards, practices and rules that are strong enough and respected enough to acquire authority. Obviously the question of who sets those rules is critical.
Part of the broad popular concern about globalization is the sense that powerful countries or corporations either write the rules in their own interests or have the power or skill to ignore or circumvent rules that apply to others. Those fears are real. Some are based on the hard experience of abuse of power while others are rooted in a simple fear of size and sense of powerlessness. Both can be addressed by an effective system of rules.
That, I would argue, is the only way they can be addressed because superpowers will not suddenly, magically become more sensitive to their neighbours or their competitors. The efficiencies of size and scale will not disappear in this respect. The world community is like any local community. We need rules that are fair, effective and accepted. That reality has a double meaning for Canada.
On the one hand, we are not a superpower. We cannot cast a threatening shadow like the United States or China. We are innovative, educated, enterprising and lucky. However we need rules as much as any other nation that is not a superpower. More than that, the distinguishing advantage of Canada is that we are a nation that other nations trust.
That brings me back to the question of who will write the rules. If any nation in the world has an unusual authority to set rules and standards which others will reflect and accept, that nation is Canada. That is no small distinction. It is an asset which, among other things, should make Canadians much more confident about our ability to shape the forces of a global society.
Others in the House will raise or have raised legitimate concerns about the lengths to which the Liberal government has carried the commercialization of public business. The issue is about much more than sponsorship and the names of companies on napkins, delegate bags, tea cozies or whatever is for sale. It raises a more serious issue. It is about access to public policy.
Ordinary Canadians, including members of parliament, are shut out but the rich can buy their way in. Under the Liberal government access is for sale, whether one owns the Auberge Grand-Mère or wants to make a direct commercial pitch to a visiting head of state. That is a new kind of corruption of the public policy process and it is wrong.
The controversies over sponsorship also highlight a fundamental attitude of the present government which in my judgment puts Canada's international interests at risk. I am speaking of the government's pugilistic attitude toward the provinces.
That attitude was made clear again in the deliberate double standard applied to the premier of the host province of Quebec. Any business willing to spend half a million dollars is offered an opportunity to speak to the heads of government gathering in Quebec. However the premier of that province, who represents not half a million dollars but seven million people, is not allowed a speaking opportunity in his own capital. That only makes Canada look foolish in a world that knows we are a federation and that respects us because we respect diversity and freedom of speech.
Another consequence that is just as serious is that, in practical terms, this fuels the accusatory atmosphere here in Canada and it could undermine our ability to act in the world that surrounds us.
International trade is of course a federal jurisdiction, but while the federal government can sign treaties, their implementation requires the co-operation of the provinces. This is a lesson that we learned with the free trade agreement initially signed with the United States.
I recall very well the arguments advanced by the hard line constitutionalists of Ottawa that the provinces did not have the right to negotiate in matters of international trade and thus should not be at the negotiation table. We rejected these arguments, because we rejected the vision of Canada based on confrontation.
We knew moreover that if the provinces were excluded from the negotiations, they would invoke their own constitutional powers in order to prevent the agreement from taking effect. Our negotiations succeeded because we treated the provinces as partners.
Not this government: the government does not believe in much, but among its articles of faith is that on any given issue the provinces are wrong and should be resisted. That is not an antagonism it reserves for Quebec. Ask Premier Klein. Ask Premier Harris. Ask any Atlantic premier interested in changing the equalization system.
In the case of this summit the Canadian government could have found a way to give the premier of the host province a place and a voice in the program. On the contrary, the government went out of its way to be offensive to the elected government of the host province.
What is the predictable response? The government of Quebec is contemplating legislation which will make it even more difficult for Canada to honour and give effect to the FTAA agreements we might sign.
There is a fundamental conflict in the government's own purposes. While it is looking for agreement in the Americas it is looking for a fight at home. It will get that fight. That will put at risk Canada's ability to advance our interests and exercise leadership in the world.
A major factor on the trade side is that the United States of America is not coming to Quebec summit with fast track authority. That means that any agreement it might sign is subject to the nitpicking, changes and evocation of special interests that occur in its congress. As a practical matter, because the U.S. is not there with fast track authority, no other country will make significant concessions that the United States congress may pick apart and undercut.
That is particularly so for countries where there is so much distrust of the U.S.A. Issues that are boutiquish or simply of special interest to the congress are life and death to the other countries involved. That would be a problem in any event. It is aggravated by the position of Brazil, a natural leader and superpower of the south which harbours deep suspicions of the United States and, these days, deep suspicions of Canada.
Rather than build on the North American model of NAFTA, Brazil would prefer to build on Mercosur which among other things is a much less open model. Those are realities which will not dissolve in a weekend in Quebec. Canada, as host and given our traditional reputation as a trusted conciliator and innovator, can use the conference to build agreement that might find acceptance. We should have in mind a NAFTA model, but we should certainly not seek to impose a replica of NAFTA. If any hemisphere wide agreement is to be struck, it will need to reflect the concerns of the giants in Mercosur and the quite different interests of the multitude of smaller states in the hemisphere.
While we seek that consensus we should also continue our attempts to negotiate bilateral arrangements such as with Chile and Costa Rica. It is my strong view that those bilateral arrangements help the process of breaking down barriers. They can create a confidence in moving beyond the status quo, a status quo which in many countries in the hemisphere is a guarantor of poverty, abuse and reliance on harmful practices including the drug trade.
I mentioned official development assistance earlier. There is a reality to face. Trade can be at least as powerful an instrument of progress as international development policies have been. Canada's role at Quebec and beyond should be to find ways in which the wide range of countries in the Americas can feel their fundamental interests are advanced by trade agreements and not threatened by them.
In that process Canada and other North American countries must resist the temptation to impose our models on other countries. That is true with respect to instruments in NAFTA which allow companies to take states to court. It is also true in terms of environmental and other issues where common progress must be made in a common interest.
The question of human rights is in a special category, particularly for Canada. We have a reputation for respecting human rights, a reputation which must constantly be renewed. We have proven that Canada can encourage trade and respect for human rights at the same time. We are one of the few countries in the world which can do that, certainly the only country north of the Rio Grande.
On questions of human rights, we must always ask: If Canada will not step forward to defend those rights, who in the world will? There are other nations in the hemisphere who share our concerns. We have learned that even in the defence of human rights account must be taken of particular circumstances. Quite simply, we have an obligation here.
This summit represents a great opportunity for Canada to continue the leadership in the hemisphere that was pioneered by the first free trade agreement and the decision to take an active place in the Organization of American States. It will not resolve the problems or meet all the challenges of the hemisphere in one stroke, but it is an important step forward. We in this party look forward to supporting the initiatives Canada might take at the summit and to hearing responses from the government when the summit is over.