Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise and join the debate on Bill C-3. The bill is basically completing the implementation of the Canada pension plan reform that was started in 1996. We know the policy and the platform of the Alliance members opposite, and that is to set up private pension plans. They talk about distributing it to Canadians so that everyone has their own account and their own private plan. If we look at it in more detail we do know who benefits from that. It is all their buddies, the investment advisors and the brokers on Bay Street. They have modelled it after what they have in Chile. We all know what happened in Chile. The plan did not work.
What we have in Canada is probably one of the most respected pension schemes, pillar approaches to pension management in the world. It is recognized around the world. It is based on the three pillars: the old age security program, the Canada pension plan, and the employer-sponsored pension plans, RRSPs. These pillars are closely integrated and form a cohesive approach to retirement planning and income.
The bill would transfer the balance of the assets that were held by the federal government to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. It would complete the process. The board would be able to manage this portfolio in a balanced way. It has a clear mandate to optimize the returns for the contributors to the pension plan. It would remove one of the bottlenecks or ways that it was hamstrung previously when it had to invest in provincial government bonds and was receiving a less than optimal return for the contributors to the pension plan.
We need to go back a bit in history as well to the mid-nineties and perhaps earlier where many Canadians were concerned about the sustainability and the soundness of the Canada pension plan. The government launched an extensive consultation process across Canada, talking to various experts and Canadians in general, the provinces and territories. There were two main approaches that were under debate: first, the government could have increased the premiums; and second, it could have reduced the benefits. However, the government, in its wisdom, decided to do a combination of both. There was some modification of benefits but there was also an increase in the premiums to a level of a 9.9% contribution rate.
Contrary to what the members opposite say, there have been three actuarial reports since those measures were undertaken that have confirmed the soundness, the actuarial soundness, of the Canada pension plan. We now know that the Canada pension plan is on a sound footing and that Canadians can rest assured that their pension requirements will be met through the Canada pension plan.
When we look at investment returns, we need to look at it over the medium to long-term. I know in my own account I look at mutual funds. Some mutual funds have achieved high rates of return in the short run but over the medium to long-term are not as successful. Therefore, we need to give the board an opportunity to prove that it can optimize and diversify this portfolio of investments. I am sure that it is up to the job because, as my colleague pointed out, it has a capable, independent and arm's length board that is managing this portfolio. The bill would transfer the balance of the assets to the control of the board so that it could manage a diversified portfolio in a sound way, one that spreads risk and manages risk in a much more cohesive way.
This board would have a sound governance that it is designed to achieve. We hear a lot about corporate governance these days. The board of directors would be independent and accountable. There would be quarterly reports. There would also be an annual report to Parliament. The policies of the investment board would be open and transparent. It would hold public hearings every two years. There is a website so that Canadians can dial up and see how the fund is doing.
This board has a mandate to operate in the best interest of CPP contributors and its beneficiaries. It is very much like any large pension plan that has the ability to diversify into bonds and equity investments. Today's market has been badly hit, so in this market any pension board that is beating the market is doing very well and once the market returns to a sounder footing, I am sure that the CPP board will achieve some excellent results.
I would like to comment on the three pillars because the bill is fairly routine in the sense of completing the implementation of the CPP reform and transferring the balance of assets to the board. I would like to look at the old age security program and the GIS. I have many constituents in my riding who are on fixed income. In my area property taxes have increased and I have a number of constituents who have worked hard all their lives who are living in modest suburban homes and are finding that on a fixed income the pressures on them to maintain their property taxes and their standard of living are severe. It is something that we need to look at in terms of seniors and how they are able to cope, people who are on fixed incomes.
We know that the old age security is adjusted by inflation and the GIS but perhaps we should be looking at that in a more comprehensive way. Doing so would have a cost attached to it. Canadians do not want to go back into deficit but it is something that the government should be mindful of. Likewise I hear from many Canadians in my riding, of modest income, who are concerned about the clawback provisions, individuals who have worked hard all their lives and contributed to a private pension and to the CPP and suddenly now because they are at an income that is not excessive but at a modest income level, a lot of these pension benefits are taxed away. That is something over time that the government should be looking at to see if there is a way to remove a disincentive in the system that has a tendency to penalize those Canadians who have been responsible and put away money for their retirement.
We have other issues under the private pension schemes and RRSPs, that is, that there are limits in terms of the deductibility of contributions to pension plans for companies. For example, an auto worker with Ford, GM or Chrysler, the amount of contribution that the employee can make and that the company can make to a company pension plan is limited by our tax rules. It is something that our government should look at over time. Likewise there has been much discussion regarding RRSP contribution limits. The government has increased them quite substantially and consistently over time. However if we look at the three pillars of our retirement system, we need to ensure that all the pillars are acting in a uniform, consistent way so that if the government was to do anything with the RRSP contribution limits it seems to me that it would also need to look at the CPP contribution limits for private or corporate plans.
The bill before us is fairly straightforward. I cannot imagine that the members opposite would not want the contributors and the beneficiaries of the Canada pension plan not to have an actuarially sound plan, not to provide the opportunities for the managers of that portfolio to achieve the maximum benefits within a sound and a risk managed environment so that the returns could be increased and the contributors would receive the maximum benefits that they could. I cannot imagine that the members opposite would vote against that.
To conclude, I would say that this CPP reform is really another segment of the government's approach to fiscal management. The member opposite talked about tax cuts and paying down the debt. I guess he has not been listening or has not been around, but in the year 2000 our federal government introduced the largest tax cut in Canadian history. In fact, this year those tax cuts are saving Canadians $20 billion a year.
With respect to the debt, the government has now paid some $45 billion or $46 billion against the federal debt. Is it still too high? Of course it is, but without the actions of the government in eliminating a $42 billion deficit in only five years we would not have been able to even attack the debt. We have started that process. By paying down in excess of $45 billion, the federal treasury is saving $3 billion a year annually. That is an annual saving. Those funds can be redeployed to more tax cuts or to strategic investments in social programs or other economic programs or to pay down the debt.
CPP reform is another step or another cog in the wheel that is improving the lives of Canadians from coast to coast to coast. For members opposite, once they have had their comments in the House for the benefit of I am not sure who, perhaps their investment adviser friends on Bay Street, given their fundraising constraints and I am not sure who they are trying to reach with this private pension scheme, we do know that it will not work. In Canada we have a culture of doing things together, of acting as a community of people sharing risks among ourselves. We do not just throw everyone to the hounds. We have that culture in Canada. The CPP is something that everybody in Canada appreciates and benefits from.
The members opposite often talk about the CPP as a tax. When we talked about the increase in CPP premiums, I remember that the members opposite on many occasions said in the House that it was an increase in tax. Of course it was not. The CPP is not a tax. It is a contribution based plan that takes contributions and premiums from employers and employees and puts them into a fund that will help Canadians plan and execute their retirement in a sound and reasonable way.
Again, I think the members opposite really do not have it right. They should be thinking more clearly about these measures that our government has implemented and continues to implement. I know that we all look forward to the next budget. In fact next week the Minister of Finance will be giving an economic and fiscal update. I am sure he will comment on the Canada pension plan and its soundness.
I am very glad the government has taken these steps. I look forward to my own retirement one day when this plan will have optimized my contributions and the contributions of other Canadians to the benefit of all.