Motion No. 10
That Bill C-12 be amended by deleting Clause 5.
Lost his last election, in 2006, with 24% of the vote.
Employment Insurance Act May 10th, 1996
Motion No. 10
That Bill C-12 be amended by deleting Clause 5.
Petitions May 8th, 1996
Mr. Speaker, I rise pursuant to Standing Order 36 to present about 60 petitions with about 600 names on them from people all across Saskatoon and my riding.
The petitioners are protesting the price of gas in Saskatoon and across the country. They focus on the fact that Canadians have little control over this resource and that the federal government seems not to be particularly concerned about that.
They call upon this House to establish an energy price review commission to keep gasoline pricing and other energy products in check.
Justice May 8th, 1996
Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Justice. It concerns his handling of Patrick Kelly's section 690 application.
In this House on February 4, 1994 the minister promised that an investigative brief would be prepared. He assured the House that standard procedures would be followed. Neither has happened.
Did the Minister of Justice ever intend to keep his promises? Why did he break them? Why did he change his mind and why should we believe him in the future?
Employment Insurance Act May 6th, 1996
Motion No. 7
That Bill C-12 be amended by deleting Clause 3.
Oil And Gas Industry May 6th, 1996
Mr. Speaker, Canadians everywhere have been asked repeatedly by this government to make sacrifices for the sake of our country's economic recovery. Families have had to lower expectations and communities have had to do more with less.
At the same time, it is not just business as usual for giant oil companies, it is business better than usual. 1994 saw these companies receive more than $743 million in direct federal grants and $2.1 billion in tax breaks. Imperial Oil profits are going to triple this year at the same time as Canadians are paying record prices at the pumps.
A responsible government would act to protect its citizens from this kind of blatant and economically stifling greed but nothing has so far been forthcoming.
In the absence of government leadership, New Democrats are joining consumers in our communities in a boycott commencing today of Imperial Oil which operates ESSO stations. I commend all those leading and participating in this consumer action. When ESSO responds, so will consumers.
By hitting this corporate giant in its pocketbook, consumers and citizens will show leadership that the federal government-
Employment Insurance Act May 3rd, 1996
Motion No. 200
That Bill C-12 be amended by deleting Clause 177.
Employment Insurance Act May 3rd, 1996
Motion No. 4
That Bill C-12 be amended by deleting Clause 2.
Employment Insurance Act May 2nd, 1996
Motion No. 2
That Bill C-12 be amended by deleting Clause 1.
Employment April 22nd, 1996
Mr. Speaker, Canada needs urgent action to address the plight of millions of unemployed and underemployed Canadians who have been left out and left behind. The jobless figures are a scandal with 1.4 million Canadians out of work and another 800,000 forced to settle for part time jobs.
The current government shows no sense of urgency. The only targets the government has set are inflation targets. Canada needs a serious commitment to attainable targets on income levels, unemployment rates, job creation and sustainable economic growth rates.
The government must adopt a twofold strategy which tackles, not creates, barriers to opportunity for Canadians, including banks with record profits which do not reinvest in Canadians or our communities, institutions which think short term, and employers who fail to train.
The government must use its power to intervene to promote economic development. What about the red book promise to create jobs, jobs, jobs? This government needs to answer the urgent need to get Canadians and Canada working again. The government has a role to play and it should perform it.
Business Of The House March 4th, 1996
Mr. Speaker, New Democrats this evening will vote against the motion.
(The House divided on the motion, which was agreed to on the following division:)