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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was million.

Last in Parliament November 2005, as Liberal MP for Beauce (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2004, with 41% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Supply March 20th, 2000

Madam Speaker, I do not know whether the hon. member is a Progressive Conservative or a Bloc Quebecois member, because he has reached the stage of promising us referendums. I have some good issues of conscience to raise with him.

He has referred to the HRDC scandal. I would like to remind him that the consent of the provinces is involved. Yesterday's La Presse quoted Mr. Pinard, the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, as saying that the Prime Minister was doing excellent work and was working on behalf of the people of Shawinigan.

I believe the hon. member ought instead to be congratulating us for bringing the unemployment rate down from 11.4% to 6.8%. He says that he is going to give us figures comparing what was done during their mandate and during ours.

I would just like to remind him of a few such figures: their 3% and 5% surtax to eliminate the deficit, which we took out in our budget three years ago, their non-indexation of tax tables, to try to fight the deficit.

If he wants figures, we will give him some.

We have reduced the debt to $573 billion. We have eliminated the deficit. Do they talk about the $42 billion deficit that we have eliminated? We have generally reduced taxes by 15%. There were no tax cuts when the Conservative were in power. There were tax increases. That is what they managed to do.

There was also an increase in unemployment, whereas under our government the unemployment rate has gone down to 6.8%. Those are eloquent figures.

In order to give a break to families, we cancelled the 3% and 5% surtax they slapped on to help eliminate the deficit. In 2000-2001, the transfer payments will reach an absolute high, contrary to what a Bloc member stated this morning when he said it was a shame.

With the transfer of tax points that provinces want us to increase, the transfers will reach a record high. The Conservatives never did anything of the kind.

The Quebec finance minister said it was not a matter of money but rather a matter of management. I would have liked to hear Bloc members tell us what Quebec has done with the $841 million kept in trust when people had to go to the United States to get health care because of a lack of money.

They talk about referendums. The hon. member mentioned the figure of 49%, yet we know that 25% of those who voted yes believed Quebec would stay within Canada. This is a Conservative saying this and promising another referendum? I seriously wonder if he should not change seat and go sit with the Bloc.

Liberal Party Of Canada March 17th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the member for Joliette once again displayed his ignorance. He is so nervous about losing his seat in the next election that he has already started attacking our party.

I would like to point out in this House that the Liberal Party of Canada has invited young people between 14 and 18, with the permission of all their parents, to savour a unique experience—participating in the political process of a major party. Nothing was done unbeknownst to anyone.

Allow me, however, to salute the young people of Joliette, who are here in this House and who have revealed their desire to learn, their interest in the future and their wish to assume their place in society. Welcome to Ottawa.

It would be appropriate for the member from Joliette to make a public apology and inform the people of Joliette that the incompetence and irresponsibility are not ours.

The members of the sovereignist party want the voting age lowered to 16, so long as the voters are separatist, I imagine. The member should be ashamed of worrying their parents and especially of implying that the young people had no idea why they were here in Ottawa.

Manigance Folk Group March 16th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the second edition of the international folklore festival will take place in Tokyo, Japan, in July. A total of 73 countries, including Canada, will take part in this international event held under UNESCO and the IOC.

Some 2,000 participants will present, through dance, the cultural elements of their respective countries.

Canada will be well represented by the folk group Manigance, from the town of Sainte-Marie.

Until now, this group has played a major role in the cultural development of the region that I represent, and has been a source of pride for all the residents of Beauce.

From now on, we will share that well deserved pride with all Canadians, through this very prestigious international event.

I wish Manigance the best of luck during the event and I know it will do a great job at representing our country at the world level.

The Budget March 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the federal budget is spectacular; that is not too strong a word to describe the tax cuts.

Our government is re-indexing personal income tax—a considerable departure from the policies and decisions of the previous Conservative government. This measure will protect Canadian taxpayers against inflation as far as taxation is concerned.

To give some examples of the impact of the tax measures contained in this latest budget, a typical four person family with one wage earner and a total income of $35,000 will not pay any net federal tax, while a typical four person family with an income of $40,000 will pay at least $1,623 less net federal tax, or 48% less.

The cuts made in our last three budgets, coupled with those in the five year plan, will bring down income tax for all Canadians by at least 22% by the year 2004. Families with children will benefit even more.

These are measures that will benefit Canadian families.

Supply February 17th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I would like the member to explain to us how is it that, if this bill is so undemocratic, the Premier of Quebec, Lucien Bouchard, said that the opinion of the supreme court was an excellent opinion. Bill C-20 is based on that opinion and its purpose is to ensure that Quebecers can clearly decide, with a clear question and a clear majority, if they want to separate from Canada. The question and the rules will be decided by the Quebec National Assembly.

I would like the member to explain to us why she says this bill is undemocratic when Mr. Bouchard said that the opinion on which it is based was a good one. Is she against the leader of the separatists?

Supply February 17th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I am sorry if I have been disrespectful to you.

The hon. member for Frontenac—Mégantic mentioned there was an election where the member for Beauce-Sud won with a majority of 68% and the other with a majority of 61%.

I think he has a selective memory, because he forgot to mention that the member for Beauce-Sud who replaced the late Paul-Eugène Quirion, the member for Beauce-Sud, was elected in the next to last election with a majority of 5,000 votes and was elected in the last one with a majority of 3,500 votes, that the member for Beauce-Nord was elected with a majority of 2,000 votes, whereas I myself was elected with a majority of 10,000 votes, something I am very proud of.

The people of Beauce are very proud to be Canadians, Quebecers and inhabitants of Beauce.

Supply February 17th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, in my opinon, it is deplorable that the president of Frontenac—Mégantic should try to think for the people of Beauce. They are quite capable of expressing themselves. Moreover, they did so in the last election, in 1997, by electing me.

Supply February 17th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I appreciate this question, because it gives me the opportunity to quote a certain statement to the House “I have practiced law for 20 years and I can testify that justice in Canada is in good hands, that we have judges who are responsible and at all times aware of their obligations”.

This was said in the House on September 1, 1988 by Quebec's premier himself, Lucien Bouchard, who was then the leader of the opposition.

He added “I am for the rule of law, and it should always be respected”. Put that in your pipe.

Supply February 17th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, first, I want to say that I am opposed to the motion introduced by the leader of the Bloc Quebecois because it is not designed to broaden or advance the debate on the clarity bill. On the contrary, it is part of the Bloc Quebecois' strategy on this bill, which is more or less respectful of democracy.

The Bloc's motion before us today would have the House “instruct”, and I stress the word “instruct”, the legislative committee on Bill C-20 to hold public hearings in all regions of the country.

All of us in the House who sit on various committees are well aware of the standing orders of the House governing committees. We all know that the committees of the House can establish their own rules and restrictions, as long as they do not exceed the basic powers granted to them by the House.

We, on the legislative committee on Bill C-20, have availed ourselves of that prerogative and decided, by ballot, that the committee would sit only in Ottawa. We have also taken steps to ensure that a wide range of witnesses are heard and that committee hearings are broadcast so that the people interested in the clarity bill can watch the debate.

So far, the legislative committee on Bill C-20 has acted in accordance with the standing orders, but our colleagues from the Bloc would now have the House give orders to this committee.

Now, do I have to remind this House that our colleagues from the Bloc, after having tried everything they could to prevent the introduction of this bill, after having delayed and disrupted the second reading debate, tabled, on February 10, a motion that this House decline to give second reading to this bill.

So much for the respect our colleagues have for the legislative process which aims, as we all know, to allow open debates on bills.

All members of this House know that the Bloc resorts to these tactics and strategies because its members are opposed to this bill which they consider antidemocratic. I would like to use the time I have to go over a few basic notions of democracy and say a few words about how democracy is perceived by the members of the Bloc and their independentist mentors.

There is nothing like a definition to put things in their true perspective. Here are some simple definitions found in dictionaries. A democracy is “a country where the people choose their government by voting for it.” Also “a government in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives; rule by the ruled.”

As our colleague, the Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs, said in a speech before students of the University of Montreal law school, and I quote:

The history of Canadian democracy, despite its failures and dark chapters, can be put up against democracy in any other countries.

He also quoted what an historian of the University of Edinburg said on the 150th anniversary of the responsible government in Canada:

With regards to the crucial combination of grassroots participation, human rights and self-government, the history of Canada is unequalled in the world.

Democracy does not boil down to simple mathematics or to a simple majority in a vote.

In the introduction of its opinion on the reference concerning the secession of Quebec, the Supreme Court of Canada warns against that danger:

Democracy is a fundamental value in our constitutional law and political culture. While it has both an institutional and an individual aspect, the democratic principle was also argued before us in the sense of the supremacy of the sovereign will of a people...Democracy is commonly understood as being a political system of majority rule. It is essential to be clear what this means. It would be a grave mistake to equate legitimacy with the “sovereign will” or majority rule alone, to the exclusion of other constitutional values.

In the January 29 issue of the prestigious magazine The Economist there was an editorial describing what could constitute secession rules and dealing namely with the majority issue in light of the underlying challenges posed by the secession project. After defining one of the problems at the very heart of any secession project, the author asked about those who are left behind and those who are dragged along against their will. He declared that any secession should be made only if a clear majority—of a lot more than 50% plus one—opted for it freely.

After reading that article, will the proponents of separation speak out against the editorial staff of The Economist ? Probably not. They know all too well that this 50% plus one rule, which they say is sacred, is arbitrary, as evidenced by the fact that, on November 24, 1996, the day after a vote of confidence in the leader of the Parti Quebecois and current Premier of Quebec, a headline in La Presse read “Bouchard shaken up after finding out he does not have the confidence of one delegate out of four”. The article said this:

Behind the scenes, it was mentioned that Mr. Bouchard, who was expecting a lot more support, was stunned when he heard the results in the presence of his closest advisers. Strategists had set the psychological threshold at 80%, assuming Mr. Bouchard would clearly get more.

The vice premier and finance minister of Quebec said, and again I quote from La Presse “Like him, we are stunned; we would have liked to get a lot more support”. Nobody said that Mr. Bouchard's attitude was undemocratic. Nobody said that. Everybody understood he wanted a clear mandate.

If, for our opponents, wanting to clarify something through legislation within the rules of our democratically established institutions is a breach of democracy, members will agree that we ourselves could easily question their good faith as democrats. Our opponents are pulling their holier-than-thou routine. Are they really above reproach as far as behaving as true democrats?

Philippe Séguin, the former president of the French national assembly, found it appropriate recently to point out that one must accept the result of a referendum even though it is different from what one expected.

On February 1, during an interview he gave on Radio-Canada's Téléjournal , he said:

—I was an opponent...of the Maastricht treaty...I know one cannot hold referendums on the same issues within a relatively short timeframe. I am an expert on lost referendums and I know that if today, eight years after Maastricht, I was to ask for another vote on Maastricht, my fellow countrymen would find it odd.

This person, who until very recently was a friend and ally of Jacques Parizeau, simply recognizes that, in democracy, once the people has expressed its will, one must accept the result.

Once voters have expressed their will, a political party must not try again and again to obtain a result that would be favourable to its position, hoping to wear voters down.

As far as the infamous rules governing referendums on secession to which the secessionist leaders are constantly referring to are concerned, we are being accused of doing a flip-flop and of suddenly refusing to abide by these rules for the wording of the question and the majority. However, it takes two to tango. We were never consulted when these rules were established and, moreover, contrary to some reports, we never accepted them complacently, as if they were untouchable principles which absolutely could not be questioned.

I wish to remind the House that before the 1980 referendum, the Prime Minister of Canada had very clearly said that if somebody knocked on the door of sovereignty association, there would be no answer.

What can be said of the leaders' refusal to recognise a role for the members representing the people they would leave behind and the others that they would drag along with them against their will? Refusing the right to speak in their name to the members of this House is, members will agree, a serious breach of democracy.

Accordingly, members will understand my refusal to support this motion which basically is only another example of the great liberties that our colleagues from the Bloc are taking with democracy. My refusal is even more categorical due to the fact that these same colleagues are trying to us how democracy should operate.

Canadian Economy February 16th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, on scrutiny, the Liberal government's economic performance is impressive.

Thanks to the concerted efforts of Canadians, our economy is the best it has been in over ten years. The economic indicators bear witness to its good health.

In 1999, there were 427,000 new jobs in the country. That represents a 3% increase over 1998. The Liberals have created some 1.9 million jobs since they took office in 1993.

The unemployment rate was 11.4% in 1993. It is now at 6.8%, something not seen since April 1976, nearly a quarter of a century ago. The unemployment rate is therefore 4.6% lower than it was when we took office.

The figures, not to mention the elimination of the $42 billion deficit, amply prove the statement that the Liberal government works for Canadians.