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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was information.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Brant (Ontario)

Won her last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, ensuring that we provide the best service to Canadians, particularly those who are on fixed incomes, has to be a priority, and it is for this government.

I want to recognize and thank the hon. member for his commentary and say that for me the approach that was taken here is unacceptable. To the best of my ability I will ensure it does not happen again.

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the hon. member will know that when overpayments are established the government has the authority to collect them. In this case, as I have said, an error was made in going directly to the bank and not to the family. I reiterate my apology to the family for that.

I want the hon. member to know that apologies, both verbal and written, have been offered to the family and have been accepted. I have directed the department to ensure that this does not happen again.

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, in fact the appropriate approach would have been to deal with the family directly. As I have said, an apology has been issued to the family and the apology has been accepted.

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, indeed I sincerely regret any difficulties in this circumstance created for the family in question.

I want to let the hon. member know that the circumstance has been reconciled, that an apology has been issued to the family, and that the apology has been accepted.

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

I was suggesting how nice it would be if members of that party opposite could have been with me in Montreal at a project where we are in partnership with a city where young people who have not been able to find their way are now working productively as animateurs in a park, providing historical background to those who choose to visit that park.

Perhaps they could have been with me in Winnipeg where young people who have not been able to succeed in the formal education system are now working in a very tough part of downtown Winnipeg in a 100 year old house on a lane that was called Murder Lane, refurbishing that house. They are actually connected to the world again.

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, again the members of that party opposite have not taken the time to understand the impact of these grants and contributions. Perhaps they should have come with me to Montreal where there, in partnership with the city, young people who were on the street—

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, clearly from all these questions, that party opposite wanted action taken. Clearly, those members should take the time instead of looking at drafts and bringing bits and pieces to the House and see that action has been taken. Why do they not spend time looking at the results of the last report to the standing committee that went through the 17,000 files, that improved the administration and identified quite clearly that no money was missing? Indeed it continues to be spent wisely and widely across Canada to help the citizens of this country.

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, perhaps the hon. member would do the local human resources office in his riding the courtesy of visiting it to see how much has happened.

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the hon. member is talking about taking no action. What is clear is that party cannot accept the action that we have taken. That action included making the internal audit public. That action included talking with the auditor general to get the remedial plan just right. That action included a full review of all files in my department to ensure that the paperwork was there for the future.

As always that party remains stuck in the past talking about old news, trying to change the facts. None of its huffing and puffing will change the facts as they have been presented over the course of the last five months.

Human Resources Development June 6th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, again I would point out that the department undertook an internal audit. The audit was not complete until late fall. It was brought to me with the completion of the review as well as a management response on November 17. When I reviewed it I insisted on a stronger management response. When that was completed, the whole thing was made public and now of course the rest is history.