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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was information.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Brant (Ontario)

Won her last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, let us remember what the internal audit was all about. It was not about money. We have shown that the money is clearly invested in programs right across the country, even in the hon. member's riding. What it was about was missing paperwork, important paperwork.

We made it clear to the Canadian public that we had an issue there. We have made it clear to the Canadian public that we have a strategy to fix the problem. If the hon. member would spend more time talking about the results of the work to date, he would be able to say to the Canadian public we believe the government has this thing in hand, because indeed we do.

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, what is hot here is that hon. member's imagination. He and other journalists can look for something sinister in all this, but I am sorry, it is all about mundane scheduling.

I say again, based on preliminary results from the internal audit which was not completed until late in the fall, the department was preparing a management response. Then they brought it to my attention. There is no new information being brought forward to the House. The facts remain as they always have been.

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the issue of the internal audit was not brought up at that meeting. Let us look at what was: employment insurance, post-secondary education, seniors pensions, child poverty and, yes, the transitional jobs fund, all things that we know are of no interest to that party.

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, it is out of respect for the Canadian people that I made the internal audit public. It is out of respect for the Canadian people that we provided to the House 10,000 pages documenting where the grants and contributions, their tax dollars, were being invested right across the country.

It is out of respect for the Canadian people that my department reviewed 17,000 active files and identified quite clearly that this was not an issue of money but an issue of important paperwork being missing. For me, having that paperwork is fundamental and that is why we have taken—

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, when it comes to trust the Canadian people can trust me to respect them. When it comes to trust, the Canadian people can trust me to tell them the good news but also to tell them when we have problems, to identify how we are going to fix them, and to go ahead and fix them.

When it comes to trust, the Canadian public can trust me to stand up against this kind of questioning which takes us back in time over issues that are a matter of public record and to confirm to the Canadian public that I am prepared to deal with tough issues to find the solutions with respect to their interests for the country.

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, there is nothing new here. The facts remain as they are. Indeed an audit was being undertaken in the department. Work was being done as a result of preliminary results of that audit. That is fully appropriate. I was briefed on the whole audit and the management response once that work was completed. That was on November 17.

What is critically important here is that we, once the management response was strengthened, provided information to Canadians that we had a problem, that we were prepared to deal with it, that we were going to fix it, and we are doing just that.

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, we have talked about this on a number of occasions right in the House. I have said that indeed I talked and was concerned about specific projects from the transitional jobs fund and from the Canada jobs fund. There were many other issues of great concern to me as a new minister in this portfolio, and we talked about those as well.

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, in the final stages of completing the audit there was time for briefing that had to be organized. E-mails were exchanged but that is the process as it would be normally undertaken.

Again I say to the hon. member that it is clear. It is in the public record that my briefing was on November 17. There is nothing in the information that is being brought forward today that suggests anything otherwise.

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Yes, Mr. Speaker.

Human Resources Development June 5th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I completely reject the premise of the hon. member's question.

Again let me convey to him the process as it was undertaken. The department was completing an internal audit. In the context of that it was doing preliminary work. Beyond that, once the internal audit was complete, and once the management response was prepared, it was provided to me and I received a full briefing on November 17.