(a) The potential cumulative impact of development and increased visitor use at Lake Louise is to discharge more wastewater effluent into the Bow River. If this caused an increase in nutrients to this nutrient poor river, it could stimulate the growth of algae and a shift in the diversity and abundance of aquatic insects, with pollution tolerant species displacing more common species, such as mayflies. Fish are not likely to be affected.
(b) Water quality monitoring and aquatic studies of the Bow River, at Lake Louise and elsewhere on the river, have been ongoing since at least 1973. Flow records exist for many decades earlier. Some of the studies, such as thesis research, are of comparatively short duration but very useful in understanding the ecology of the river, possible reaction to effluent and ways to avoid adverse effects. The findings of the recent environmental assessment for the proposed upgrade to the Banff wastewater treatment plant are especially relevant to the Lake Louise situation, as many of the issues are similar.
(c) The studies conducted on the Banff wastewater treatment plant dealt with the issue of cumulative effect for communities downstream from Lake Louise. The environmental screening for the Lake Louise wastewater treatment plant will also address the possible downstream effects of effluent produced at Lake Louise.
(d) The Lake Louise wastewater treatment plant is being designed to meet both federal and provincial criteria for waste treatment plants. In most cases, it will exceed these criteria.
(e) Potential aesthetic concerns are odour and visual impacts. Currently they are not significant. Achieving the effluent standards will address aesthetic concerns.
(f) The parameters for describing naturally occurring waters are standard measurements of the presence and amounts of chemicals, organisms and solids contained in the water column, for example phosphorous, coliform bacteria and suspended solids. These are measured at one location above Lake Louise and three locations downstream from Lake Louise.
(g) There is no benchmark for the quantity of effluent discharged by the Lake Louise wastewater treatment plant and it is not conventional practice to set one. Instead, the performance of a wastewater treatment plant is assessed on the quality of the effluent, the goal being to avoid having a significant adverse effect on the receiving waters. To that end, Parks Canada has established and is working toward leadership targets that exceed all conventional limits of performance for wastewater treatment plants in Alberta.
(h) Key strategies for the area include water conservation, limiting commercial growth and managing human use.
(i) See (a) above. The changes being contemplated for the existing Lake Louise wastewater treatment plant are to improve its capacity and effectiveness to ensure the potential cumulative effect described in (a) does not occur, even if the quantity of effluent discharge does increase as a result of more visitors to Lake Louise.
Question No. 29—