House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was cultural.

Last in Parliament April 1997, as Liberal MP for Laval West (Québec)

Won his last election, in 1993, with 46% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Postal Services May 5th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, the hon. member should realize that we are in a period of fiscal austerity. Obviously, the fiscal restraint announced in the budget will have consequences. However, as I just said, we are currently looking at ways of readjusting our programs to avoid any adverse effect on that important industry.


Postal Services May 5th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I will check with my officials. This is obviously a very important issue for the magazine industry. As I

said before in this House, we are considering ways of changing the financial support we give that industry in order to ensure that it continues to flourish.

2005 World Fair May 5th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I see that our colleague has a message for us, and I take good note of it.

2005 World Fair May 5th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for his question. It is, indeed, an important question. We are in the process of reviewing Canada's participation in a major world fair. Consultations have to be conducted and that is what I am doing in conjunction with my colleagues. I hope that we will have an announcement to make very soon.

Telecommunications May 3rd, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I gave a list of all the people who attended the luncheon as it was given to me. If anybody else slipped in, I have no notion of it.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation May 2nd, 1995

Mr. Speaker, it is very kind for the hon. member to suggest I wield so much power I can pull the strings. That is not the case. That committee will be totally independent. Its terms of reference will allow a thorough examination of the issue. When the report is handed to me, I will consider it. That is all.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation May 2nd, 1995

Mr. Speaker, nobody can question the qualifications of Mr. Pierre Juneau, who is a distinguished Canadian, one of the greatest experts we have in this country, and a French-speaking Canadian on top of that. I am outraged at such a disgraceful attack.

As to the review that is being launched, it was announced in the budget, and it is not at all incompatible with the report of the standing committee.

The task of Mr. Juneau and of other committee members is, in fact, to examine the standing committee's recommendations, and they must take those recommendations into account.

Seagram May 2nd, 1995

Mr. Speaker, everyone knows that I strive to protect Canadian content on the information highway and in the audiovisual sector as a whole. I do it here in Canada, I did so in Brussels during the G-7 meeting and I will continue to do so.

Why protect Canadian content? So that we have our own identity, our own culture. How are we going to do it? By supporting cultural industries which produce this Canadian content.

Seagram May 2nd, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I never discussed this issue, either directly or indirectly, with Mr. Karp. The ownership of Canadian or foreign businesses does not fall under my jurisdiction, but under that of the Minister of Industry. I can confirm that this issue is neither directly nor remotely related to my department.

Seagram May 2nd, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I could not be in two places at the same time. I was where I said I was. Where Mr. Bronfman and the others were? I was not there. I was not a witness. It is too bad the Leader of the Opposition keeps flogging a dead horse.