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Conservative MP for Carleton (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 50% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Queensway Carleton Hospital October 21st, 2005

Mr. Speaker, they seem very nervous at hearing the truth. These are the words of Jeff Polowin, the former chair of the hospital. He said that the Liberal rent increase as scheduled at the end of the current lease could cost as many as 40 nurses. But it is worse than that. It could prevent the construction of the new cancer care centre.

The only thing standing in the way of solving this problem of simply giving the hospital the assurance that it will control its own land for the price of $1 is the Prime Minister who has the legal authority to make this decision at any time he wishes. I am calling on him to make that decision today.

It is too important to be left to partisanship. That member over there who continues to interrupt me has the opportunity to change her tune. She knows her community wants her to represent the hospital and not her Liberal friends. I ask her that she do the right thing just once for the hospital. The community in her riding has been crying out for her to stand up for that hospital and so far, she has chosen the other Ottawa, the downtown Liberal cronies, her friends. Choose the patients over your friends, Mr. Speaker.

Queensway Carleton Hospital October 21st, 2005

Mr. Speaker, we must be striking a nerve here. We might be getting a little too close to the truth.

There is a second Ottawa as well. The Liberals do not want to hear about it, but there is a second Ottawa. It is where people work hard, play by the rules, pay their taxes and stand up for their community. That is the Ottawa that I want to speak up for as the member of Parliament for Nepean--Carleton.

I will remind the members in this House of a few of the facts in this matter.

The Queensway Carleton Hospital has paid $1 million in rent to the federal government. The rent increase that is expected at the termination of the current lease could result in the termination of 40 nurses, according to the former chairman of the Queensway Carleton Hospital, who speaks up honourably on behalf of his people, on behalf of his patients--

Queensway Carleton Hospital October 21st, 2005

Mr. Speaker, there is that Ottawa that seeks to use rules to obstruct honest debate. There is the Ottawa that helps Liberal cronies and Liberal friends. It is that Ottawa for which the Liberal member for Ottawa West--Nepean speaks. It is that Ottawa for which the member for Ottawa--Orléans speaks. But there is another Ottawa--

Queensway Carleton Hospital October 21st, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I will be debating on the amendment. Let me tell members very bluntly, I will never apologize for fighting for the interests of my constituents just because they happen to live in the national capital region.

That member should be ashamed of himself for suggesting that people who live in the national capital region should not have effective representation on the floor of the House of Commons.

He wants to talk about history, so let us talk about history. The land that he discusses, which is held by the federal government, by the National Capital Commission, was confiscated at a third of market value.

I can recommend to him a good book called The Spirit of Nepean by D. Aubrey Moodie, the founder of the community of Nepean, wherein he describes how this land was originally confiscated.

Now, as a result of that, we have a hospital that sits on federal government land, is paying rent, and has paid almost $1 million in rent thus far. It is the only hospital in Canada that is forced to pay rent to the federal government. It is the exception.

Excuse me, but the people of Nepean--Carleton are not asking for special treatment. The nurses who work on their feet 12 hours a day are not asking for special treatment. The patients who wait in line for treatment, for ankle fusions, for hip replacements or for cancer treatment, are not asking for special treatment. They are asking for fairness. They are asking for the same degree of treatment that every other hospital in this country gets.

I see here today that there is an unholy alliance forming between the Liberals and the separatist Bloc Québécois. We have seen the separatists rise and use some sort of historical injustice as an example of why they should continue to perpetuate a modern injustice in the House of Commons.

The separatists say they were mistreated in Quebec by the National Capital Commission, and perhaps they were, but they then use that as their justification for perpetuating another injustice on a hospital near my constituency. The Liberals have used this sense of historical indignation, this hysteria that has propelled the separatist Bloc to its current stature. They have used that as a method of building an alliance with the separatists to defeat my motion and to oppose the hospital.

As with any injustice, one can find a bureaucratic excuse, a rule or some regulation that is hidden deep and dark under the dusty books that the government would never otherwise open. The Liberals can find some excuse for mistreating the hospital so they point to a regulation that was passed, the Treasury Board guideline that was passed some years ago.

And do members know what? It turns out that it is a good regulation. Generally speaking, governments should charge market value when they rent to commercial enterprises or other organizations. But this is a hospital. The vast majority of hospitals across this country get dispensation from provincial or municipal governments. They get their land for $1 because those governments understand the need to support institutions that provide health care to the local citizenry.

Here in the national capital region we have a unique problem where our hospital sits on federal land and has paid nearly $1 million thus far. It is the only hospital to face such an injustice.

I am simply asking for the cabinet and the Prime Minister, who himself has been the number one obstacle to this hospital's advancement, to merely do what they can do this Tuesday at their cabinet meeting to render my motion irrelevant. He could decide this Tuesday to give the hospital its land for $1 a year. He could do it through order in council. He has the legal authority to do it.

If he does that, I say here and now that I will withdraw my motion from the House of Commons and I will applaud him for having done so. That is the kind of non-partisanship I am willing to engage in on behalf of my hospital.

It is funny to hear the Liberals talk about all these rules that get in the way of helping a small hospital. What rules have stopped them from intervening to give a half a million dollar severance to their close friend, David Dingwall?

The rules did not matter when it came to handing out illegal contracts to the ad companies in Quebec, did they? Those rules did not matter. They broke all the rules. When it comes to shovelling money into the pockets of Liberal cronies and Liberal friends, there are no rules.

But when it comes to helping a community hospital, a hospital that serves 400,000 people, many of them seniors, people who are ill, vulnerable and in need, then there are rules. Those rules can see no dispensation from that gang of Liberals.

What this debate has made very clear, especially because we have heard from two Ottawa area Liberals, one from Ottawa—Orléans and one from Ottawa West—Nepean, is that there are two Ottawas. There is the Ottawa of downtown Parliament Hill where the cronies and the lobbyists make all the decisions to pocket the dollars of Canadian taxpayers and help their friends, where we look out for the interests of well-connected Liberals, and then--

Petitions October 21st, 2005

Mr. Speaker, it is an honour to rise today to present a petition on behalf of thousands of my constituents who support the Queensway Carleton Hospital in its efforts to avoid a massive Liberal rent increase.

Of course the hospital sits on federal government land and the Liberals have been charging it rent. The hospital has paid nearly $1 million in rent thus far. The Liberal government is threatening a massive increase, but thousands of petitioners have signed a petition indicating that they will not accept a massive rent increase. I am proud to introduce their voices in this House of Commons.

Government Contracts October 19th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, my question is more generally pertaining to Liberal fat and Liberal corruption, then. KPMG did an additional audit on approximately $16 million worth of additional contracts that were handed out and it found serious irregularities in that amount of money.

We already know that some of this money went directly to Liberal friends and Liberal cronies, some of whom sit in the House of Commons now. How much went to Liberal friends and Liberal—

Government Contracts October 19th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, The Globe and Mail is reporting today that KPMG had found irregularities in the activities of the firm run by the family of the MP for Pontiac.

Does the Minister of Public Works—

Petitions October 5th, 2005

Madam Speaker, I rise today with honour to introduce petitions on behalf of constituents in my riding who wish to see the government finally show some leadership in seeking a national framework that would see autism treatment covered by health insurance as part of an overall universal health care system.

The government has deliberately excluded families, who have children with autism, from health coverage, and as a result middle class families are stuck with $40,000 health bills year after year. Members across the way do nothing about it.

Today I proudly introduce a petition calling for some action and calling for some fairness.

Government Aircraft October 5th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, it is a two hour drive. Talk about sticking it to taxpayers. That gives new meaning to the term “mile high club”.

The Minister of Transport said yesterday that flying rules are too tough, that Liberals deserve even more mile high limousine rides.

While ordinary Canadians struggle to fill their gas tanks, while they work hard and play by the rules, why are these Liberal ministers spending millions of dollars on the backs of those same taxpayers, jetting around the country?

Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act October 4th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I appreciate those words of wisdom.

Once again, there was a criminal conspiracy involving 600 people over a seven year period and not a single person has gone to jail. Two and a half years after we learned about this massive criminal Liberal conspiracy, not one person has gone to jail. An individual is caught red-handed stealing $1.5 million and he does not receive a jail sentence. Only in the Liberal wonderland can such a thing occur. That member cannot obstruct that truth from coming out in this House or anywhere else.

I now ask my hon. colleague if he will explain that we need a new government to prosecute this kind of crime and this kind of corruption in order to get to the bottom of it and reach real justice.