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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was respect.

Last in Parliament October 2019, as Liberal MP for Regina—Wascana (Saskatchewan)

Lost his last election, in 2019, with 34% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Airbus November 13th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, no one holds a brief for Mr. Schreiber, but in the public inquiry the Prime Minister has hinted at today Mr. Schreiber will undoubtedly be a vital witness.

Could the Prime Minister assure the House and all Canadians that the public inquiry he intends to call will not be deprived from hearing from its prime witness, that is Mr. Schreiber? Will he or will he not be available to testify under oath?

Airbus November 13th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, I assume the government's stonewalling means the revenue minister has not done his job, or has been told not to do his job.

Whatever one may think of Mr. Schreiber, he is a central participant in a very serious scandal involving a former Conservative prime minister, but in 48 hours he may be shipped out of this country and silenced.

Will the government ensure that Mr. Schreiber is available in person for questioning under oath in Canada as part of any judicial inquiry or any other Canadian legal proceeding?

Airbus November 13th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, in December 1994 Brian Mulroney met Karlheinz Schreiber in a New York hotel room to receive an envelope containing $100,000 in cash. When that money was brought across the border into Canada, many laws would apply.

Can the revenue minister tell us, did Mr. Mulroney declare his $100,000 to customs officials as required? Was U.S. withholding tax paid on that cash? If this payment was for consulting services, did Mr. Mulroney pay the GST?

Foreign Affairs November 2nd, 2007

Mr. Speaker, a variety of issues have arisen in respect of Canadians in Mexico and the judicial system of Mexico in the last couple of years. Will the government say, in terms of its privileged list of countries around the world, and apparently the United States in on that list, if Mexico is also on that list?

Foreign Affairs November 2nd, 2007

Mr. Speaker, on the issue of the death penalty carried out in other countries, the government has attempted to respond to those questions by suggesting that the questions imply that the accused person in another country would be brought back to Canada. That is not the question. No one is suggesting that the accused be brought back to Canada. The issue is the commutation of the sentence in the other country.

Will the government reinstate the long-standing policy of the Department of Foreign Affairs to seek commutation in the other country?

Points of Order November 2nd, 2007

Mr. Speaker, for the very reasons that have been mentioned by my friend for Halifax West, I wonder if someone on behalf of the government would undertake today, before the House adjourns, to raise this matter with the powers that be within the government, whoever they may be, to ensure that a satisfactory answer is given.

The member for Halifax West, who has raised this point, has raised it in a very sincere and honourable way and I would hope the government would respond accordingly.

Business of the House November 1st, 2007

Mr. Speaker, I wonder if the government House leader would give us a succinct description of the business that he plans for tomorrow and for the first week when the House returns after the Remembrance Day break.

Air Transportation October 31st, 2007

It's not the United States you should be concerned about.

Income Trusts October 31st, 2007

What about Genevieve from Winnipeg? Tell us about Canadians.

Business of Supply October 29th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, on a point of order, in respect to the fiscal statement that is expected tomorrow, could I ask the government House leader to enlighten the House, apart from the exact venue where the statement may be made, as to what arrangements have been made for the usual briefing of the parties in advance, whether it is in a lock-up form or whatever, if there are fiscal measures that require some special treatment. I wonder if he is in a position this afternoon to say anything further about that.