Mr. Speaker, on March 29, 1882 the Knights of Columbus received its first charter thanks to the persistent efforts of the late Reverend Father Michael J. McGivney.
He wanted to help the church, his community and all Catholic families.
The first Canadian council was formed in Montreal, in November 1897.
In 2010, the Knights of Columbus donated close to $30 million and volunteered 9.3 million hours to charitable causes in Canada. The order has 1.8 million members in 10 countries, including 225,000 here in Canada.
Ever since the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization was brought to Canada, its members have become known for their mission to be their brothers' and sisters' keepers and to make a difference for their fellow human beings.
I am pleased to wish a very happy founders day to my brother knights.
Long live this great charitable organization.
May this great organization continue its charitable work for decades to come.