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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was quebec.

Last in Parliament October 2019, as Conservative MP for Beauport—Côte-de-Beaupré—Île d’Orléans—Charlevoix (Québec)

Lost her last election, in 2019, with 30% of the vote.

quebecstatus of womenlanguagesvictims of crimegood morning

Statements in the House

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada October 21st, 2009

Mr. Speaker, the Liberal leader seems to be blowing with the wind. Now that he has given up and no longer seems keen to trigger an opportunistic election, it would be interesting to know what his intentions are when it comes to protecting victims of economic crimes. We know that the Liberal senators have gutted Bill C-25, so it would not be surprising if the Liberal leader were to use white-collar criminals for partisan purposes.

Our government believes that it is better to keep criminals in prison, not in their living rooms. We want a judicial system with minimum sentences for fraud, where aggravating factors lead to stiffer sentences and victims can be compensated.

Now that he claims to have his mind on his work instead of on his campaign bus, we will know once and for all whether he is shirking his responsibilities when it comes time to get tough on white-collar criminals.


Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada October 8th, 2009

Madam Speaker, yesterday, the Liberal leader was conspicuously absent when an important confidence vote was held in this House, demonstrating once again that he is not concerned about Canadians.

Today, the Liberal leader is saying he is ready to take the risk of raising our taxes. He wants to raise the GST and impose a tax on carbon, on everything in fact. He is completely out of touch with reality.

For weeks, he has done nothing but talk about a pointless election no one wants. Now, he is threatening us with tax hikes people cannot afford.

When is he going to wake up and realize that the nation is going through an economic crisis? When is he going to wake up and realize that our people are suffering? When is he going to wake up, period?

You do not need to have gone to Harvard to understand what is happening in Canada. People cannot have confidence in a Liberal leader.


Prime Minister of Canada October 6th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, our Prime Minister has more than one talent. First and foremost, he is a man of compassion and conviction, a man whose vision centres around the interests of the nation, which makes him a strong leader. We are not like the Liberal Party, which can only think of holding rallies to plunge Canada into an election, purely out of self-interest.

In these tough economic times, others are proposing cuts to government and higher taxes for Quebeckers and Canadians.

Our government is stimulating the economy and working with political, economic and social stakeholders to find solutions. It is important to us that ordinary people have their place in society and that, together, we contribute to our country's success.

To me, that is what we call a strong Quebec within a united Canada. I am proud to pay tribute to the leadership of our Prime Minister.


Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada October 5th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, despite the controversy surrounding his resignation, the member for Bourassa claims to have no regrets. Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, there is no putting it back in. A lot of Quebec journalists agree. Here are some examples of what they have to say: no good ideas, the leader's empty words about the economy, the environment, regional development and even Quebec.

The Liberal plan for what happens next has more to do with wishful thinking than political reality. Here is what people are saying: nebulous notions instead of new ideas. Surrounded by Toronto advisors who have exaggerated his qualities, the Liberal leader is a poorly shod shoemaker who will not make much more progress on the path to power.

While our government fights the recession, the Liberal leader is fighting recovery.


Governor General's Awards October 1st, 2009

Mr. Speaker, this year we are celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Person's Case. On Thursday, the following six exceptional Canadians will receive a Governor General's Award:

Jeanette Corbiere Lavell for advancing the cause of aboriginal women;

Daphne E. Dumont, for her work on women's rights in the legal system.

Bev LeFrancois, for her work in the area of violence against women here and abroad.

Karen Messing, for her work on women's autonomization in the workplace.

Mary Scott, for women's information sharing and network building; and Youth Award recipient Pauline Fogarty, for being a leader to many young Canadians.

We salute these exceptional women who are an inspiration to all Canadians. We are proud of these women.

Partially translated

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada September 29th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, in today's Journal de Montréal, a piece on the Liberal Party leader reads, “It is not clear whether his love for Quebec, which he professes endlessly, is real or a ploy”.

The Liberal leader knows a thing or two about ploys.

His ploys and his lack of leadership have just created more victims in the Liberal family in Quebec. It is not surprising really. He changes his mind as often as he changes his shirt.

What the hon. member for Bourassa has just discovered about his leader is something the Conservatives from Quebec have known for a very long time. A Liberal leader cannot be trusted.

His vision of Quebec and Canada is the image of his own reflection in the mirror. To heck with the best interests of the nation. What is important to the Liberal leader is that he gain power, whatever the cost.

A Liberal leader truly cannot be trusted.


Child Care September 18th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, the Liberals continue to attack the child care benefit.

The spokesperson for the Leader of the Opposition and member for Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel recently said: “I think the problem is that parents are not providing for their children's needs. They have money, but they spend it on their own needs.”

Questioning the integrity and the judgment of Canadian and Quebec parents and accusing parents of ignoring the needs of their own children is shameful.

The Liberal leader thinks that these benefits are useless and a very poor use of public funds. In March he even hinted that he plans to scrap them.

This only goes to show that this leader and his party are not really concerned with the interests of Canadians and Quebeckers.

Canadians and Quebeckers will remember that.


Leader of the Opposition September 15th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, I would like to read a statement made yesterday morning by a member of the House: “A fourth election in six not something Canadians want, and I agree with them. These constant elections are awful”.

Those words were spoken by none other than the same member who criticized the Liberal leader for his lack of clarity and wisdom, the Liberal member for Papineau. Canadians do not want an election. The member for Papineau does not want an election. It turns out that the only person in Canada who wants an election is the Leader of the Opposition.

How foolish! How egocentric!


Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada June 16th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, is the Liberal leader aware of the consequences of voting no on Friday?

Here is what it will mean: a Liberal no to the work sharing program that helps workers and entrepreneurs; a Liberal no to the infrastructure spending program; a Liberal no to the Canada-wide sports infrastructure program for things like arenas; a Liberal no to the home renovation program for families; a Liberal no to social housing; a Liberal no to modernizing research and training facilities at post-secondary institutions; a Liberal no to the major festivals that contribute so much to this country.

A no vote by the Liberals will jeopardize all these projects. This House is not a reality television show. The Liberal leader must do what is needed for the good governance of the country.

The government would like to remind the Leader of the Opposition that if these projects do not move forward, he will be the one responsible.


Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada June 12th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, last spring, our government tabled an effective and unprecedented economic action plan and 80% of the measures are already on their way to being implemented. The Bloc Québécois has chosen sides. Its objective is clear: to destabilize Quebec. The end result is also clear. It wants to let Quebec hang out to dry. It prefers to vote against any positive action and do nothing at all for Quebec workers.

As for the Liberal leader, he voted for this action plan. Holding an election now will inevitably slow down its implementation and the Liberal leader knows it. He wants to increase taxes. We do not. Canada needs a strong Parliament that works for and not against the economic and social future of Canada and Quebec.

Today, the Liberal leader must decide if he will be remembered for choosing the greater good of Canada or his own partisan interests. Will he rise to the occasion or turn his back on Canada? He should—
