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Members Of Parliament Retiring Allowances  But do not come and ask to have the portion of the money paid by the federal government put somewhere for utilization later on. If you are out, you are out.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Jean ChrétienLiberal

Cigarette Smuggling  Mr. Speaker, in fact the commission that has reported is working on this problem at this time. An interim report earlier in the year said that it was possible to implement self-government for the native population in Canada without changing the Constitution and I agree with that.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Jean ChrétienLiberal

Cigarette Smuggling  Mr. Speaker, I said that we were discussing it with the provinces at this time. The Minister of Finance has met his provincial counterparts. I am glad to see that the Government of Ontario has taken a position. Basically some details remain to be discussed and I hope there will be some movement but some provincial finance ministers said that they did not agree.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Jean ChrétienLiberal

Speech From The Throne  Mr. Speaker, first I am proud and honoured at the opportunity to represent the constituents of Huron-Bruce in the 35th Parliament of Canada. I want to congratulate the Prime Minister on his first throne speech where the priority is on putting Canadians back to work from east to west and north to south and not on the Constitution.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Paul SteckleLiberal

Georgina Ice Fishing Derby  Mr. Speaker, the annual Georgina ice fishing derby opened last week in the town of Georgina. I invite everyone in the House to visit the fishing huts on Lake Simcoe. The Georgina ice fishing derby is a wonderful example of how community groups, local businesses and town council can all work together for the benefit of their community.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Karen Kraft SloanLiberal

Literacy  Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in this place to imagine life without the ability to read. Books, magazines and newspapers become mysterious puzzles rather than open doors to the world. Try to imagine the frustration and sense of hopelessness. In the speech from the throne our government made a commitment to improving the literacy skills of Canadians by restoring funding to the national literacy program.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Brent St. DenisLiberal

National Debt  Mr. Speaker, Canada's national debt surpassed one-half trillion dollars earlier this week. This milestone will be a millstone around our necks if we do not change our attitude now. Our children's quality of life depends on it. How can any of us, with clear conscience, expect future generations to pay for the mistakes of the past?

January 21st, 1994House debate

Gurbax MalhiLiberal

Speech From The Throne  Mr. Speaker, it is important when looking at the government's job creation program that we remember there are two components to it. I always hear from members opposite in this House the complaint that it is an infrastructure program, it is short term and that it will be gone in a year or in two years, but that is not the reality of it.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Andy MitchellLiberal

Speech From The Throne  Mr. Speaker, concerning the last question, as I mentioned, it is inappropriate to look at our job creation program and just take one aspect of it, the infrastructure program. That is the stimulus, that is the start, but it contains many more things. If we are able to, and we will as a government, get more capital into the hands of small business people, we will in fact create long term jobs.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Andy MitchellLiberal

Business Of The House  Mr. Speaker, we will continue with the address debate today, tomorrow and Monday, with a vote on the amendment to the amendment of the hon. member for Calgary Southwest this evening and a vote on the amendment of the hon. leader of the Official Opposition on Monday evening. On Tuesday there will be a debate on peacekeeping and on Wednesday the House will debate the matter of cruise missile testing.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal

Business Of The House  Mr. Speaker, I have already informally mentioned to the House leaders of the Reform and Bloc that the government would be happy to give consent to continuing beyond the normal hour of adjournment on Tuesday and Wednesday. I had originally suggested that we might agree on a later time of adjournment, say ten o'clock.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal

Cigarette Smuggling  Mr. Speaker, we intend to make sure that all Canadians respect the law.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal

Cigarette Smuggling  Mr. Speaker, I will inquire with the RCMP concerning the issue raised by the hon. member. I too believe that the law must be enforced and I will provide the hon. member with a more detailed answer as soon as possible.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal

Tobacco Taxes  Mr. Speaker, I discussed this matter with the Premier of Quebec in December and discussions are under way with other governments at this time. We intend to take the necessary steps to curb smuggling as soon as possible.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Jean ChrétienLiberal

Trade  Mr. Speaker, the text made available by the previous government is, in my understanding, the actual text.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Roy MacLarenLiberal