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Bill C-462 An Act to amend the Farm Income Protection Act (crop damage by gophers)

December 2nd, 1998

Leon BenoitReform

Bill C-61 An Act to amend the War Veterans Allowance Act, the Pension Act, the Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, the Depart…

December 2nd, 1998

Fred MifflinLiberal

Canadian Potato Marketing Act  moved for leave to introduce Bill C-266, an act respecting the orderly marketing of potatoes. Mr. Speaker, this bill would have the effect of creating an agency to present a single desk selling organization for the marketing of Canadian produced potatoes.

June 22nd, 1994House debate

Vic AlthouseNDP

Controlled Drugs And Substances Act  We should bring in policies to encourage them to get treated for their addictions, to rehabilitate themselves and to become good citizens. I condemn Bill C-7 because it does not put forward such policies. What I find strange is that this bill comes from the Minister of Health and yet deals only with criminal offences.

April 19th, 1994House debate

Pauline PicardBloc

Controlled Drugs And Substances Act  If this is to be a co-operative Parliament would the member not look very carefully at the proposal to take this to justice? This is not, and I cannot say this strongly enough, a health bill. This is a justice bill.

April 19th, 1994House debate

Grant HillReform

Controlled Drugs And Substances Act  I believe it is our responsibility, as the official opposition, to do so not only for Quebecers but for all Canadians. This bill is unclear and we oppose it in many respects. I will have later on the opportunity to dwell on a particular point. But I am concerned by some statements made by the government members opposite regarding this bill.

April 19th, 1994House debate

Michel BellehumeurBloc

Controlled Drugs And Substances Act  As for the second part of the hon. member's question in which he referred to the lack of response on the part of pharmacists and the general public, who do not see these things the way I do, I simply want to say there is no response at the present time because they do not feel concerned by this legislation. They are not mentioned in the bill. Why should they respond? The same applies to dentists and physicians. At the present time, no one is responding and no one is concerned by the bill. Why? Because for the time being, the individuals and professions that will be in this bill have not been identified.

April 19th, 1994House debate

Pierrette VenneBloc

Income Tax Act  The bill ensures that child support payments are covered by the definition of earned income included in the provisions on deductions for child care expenses. (Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed.)

April 19th, 1994House debate

Christiane GagnonBloc

Department Of Public Works And Government Services Act  Yes, we need greater transparency, more accountability, and yes, all parliamentarians agree that we need to cut costs. This bill is going to accomplish all that and we already have all the other necessary structures. [English]

October 17th, 1994House debate

Don BoudriaLiberal

Department Of Industry Act  Madam Speaker, thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak to Bill C-46, an Act to establish the Department of Industry. The year 2000 is drawing near. With technology, the global village has become a reality. All sectors of activity are interconnected.

October 17th, 1994House debate

Alfonso GaglianoLiberal

Department Of Industry Act  Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to have the opportunity this afternoon to discuss Bill C-46, a reorganization of the industry department. It is an important piece of legislation. A large number of activities which are going to affect the business community are being brought together into one department: small business support; tourism; economic development; telecommunications; trade and commerce; science; and consumer affairs.

October 17th, 1994House debate

Andy MitchellLiberal

Department Of Industry Act  Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to rise in my place today to enter the debate on Bill C-46 respecting the establishment of the Department of Industry. I notice part of the bill deals with the abolition of Investment Canada. I would like to address that point to some extent.

October 17th, 1994House debate

Alex ShepherdLiberal

Department Of Industry Act  The development projects in his riding may be better run; in my riding, the Federal Office of Regional Development has some good initiatives, of course, but through Bill C-46, we want the Department of Industry to decentralize and blend its ideas with those of the provincial agency, especially for regional initiatives, to make better use of the money invested.

October 17th, 1994House debate

Bernard DeshaiesBloc

Department Of Agriculture Act  I would appeal to the government to respect the wisdom that comes from this side of the House and let us not make a fuss, let us simply adopt a good common sense amendment to the bill.

October 17th, 1994House debate

Elwin HermansonReform

Department Of Agriculture Act  Mr. Speaker, I rise today to place an amendment before the House regarding Bill C-49, an act to amend the Department of Agriculture Act and to amend or repeal certain other acts. I move: Motion No. 2 That clause 6 be amended by striking out line 17 on page 2 and substituting the following: "any inspection powers, duties or functions".

October 17th, 1994House debate

Allan KerpanReform