That's right, and unfortunately they've sunk a pile of money into that place. They have had some grants from the government. When the BSE came by, they gave them $1 million or $1.5 million so that they would slaughter cows, because nobody wanted to touch cows anymore because of BSE.
I've always wondered why that had an effect on the beef industry, because a cow has never crossed the door of my shop or any shop I've ever worked in. We sell beef; we don't sell cows.
They were a regular, full-standing abattoir and they've been cut down to a part-time operation now. They're allowed to work three days a week.
The reason for that was that the inspector from OMAFRA came in and said they had done well all these years and had slowly met their regulations.... And that's how it is: you can be compliant this year, but next year you are not in compliance, because now they are focusing on the receiving doors, or now they're focusing on the brand of detergent you're using, or focusing on whether you have enough sinks in your shop—you need four here, and now, if you are cooking, you need four over there.
The inspector told them he needed an office. They told him he could take the corner of the trailer they used, and they supplied a brand new phone and computer that they said they were not using because they were not busy enough. The inspector told them he needed a private office. He also told them he needed a private washroom. There are four washrooms in the plant, but he needed a private washroom. And just in case there was a female inspector the next week, if he was on holidays, a private washroom was needed for her; it can't be coed.
He also told them he needed a lunch room. Now, this plant has 20 people, and they eat lunch in a certain place. He told them he could not eat lunch there; he needed his own lunch room. He also told them that he might want to get washed up at the end of the day, so he needed a shower. It couldn't be just one shower, in case that woman was there the next week when he was on holidays; they needed two showers.
They figured out that it would cost about $75,000 to build this extra building for them, and so they said they had had enough and couldn't do it; they were not doing any more. So they were told, okay, now you are working just part-time. And they laid off two-thirds of their staff.