Thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to present to the committee today.
As a little bit of background on myself, I'm associate dean and professor here at the Ontario Agricultural College, and I was previously a professor at the University of Manitoba. I've worked on coexistence of GM and non-GM and movement of traits from crop to crop for over a decade, here and in various other places around the world. I've also been involved in conferences for over a decade looking at coexistence of GM and non-GM.
I want to make some comments about the mechanics of trait movement based on research and experience to date. In North America there is more than a decade of experience with commercial production of GM crops. This has provided two key lessons. One is that when GM crops are grown outside at commercial scale, the movement of GM traits beyond their intended destinations can be expected, and the risk of escape increases with the scale of production. Second, full retraction of escaped GM traits is very difficult and may be impossible if escape is into a broader agricultural supply chain.
These points support the need for caution, serious consideration, and systematic efforts where there is a hope, expectation, or requirement of coexistence between GM and non-GM crops, and commercial segregation, especially for situations where a GM trait is regulated or other situations where there is a zero threshold for adventitious presence. Recent scientific publications have noted that since the first GM crops were commercialized in the mid-1990s, reports of GM material appearing where it's not intended, expected, or wanted have steadily increased, reflecting both the massive increase in production acres of GM crops and the number of GM crops commercialized, and perhaps in some cases, an underestimation of the challenge of containing GM traits.
GM trait movement is especially complex within large agricultural supply chains that involve many actors and living elements across an active landscape. Traits may persist and move among living populations of plants, including feral and volunteer populations, and among latent populations in seed that may exist in a myriad of places within the production and supply chain and that may persist in the environment.
The potential for the movement of GM material depends in part on the nature of the crop species and the biology and ecology of those species in relation to the agronomy and farming practices. A primarily self-pollinating crop like wheat, for example, may represent the least challenging scenario, whereas highly out-crossing and persistent species like alfalfa or canola may be the most challenging. Placement along this continuum depends very much, again, on the biology and ecology of these crops in the context of their farming systems and the nature of the supply chains they move in.
In the context of low-level presence requirements, an additional and important consideration is the threshold level, of course. What is generally acknowledged in this regard is that when a given GM crop is commercially grown at substantive scale within a region, maintaining absolute freedom from GM for that crop species in that region becomes very challenging, and in some cases impossible.
In Canada we have the most experience with GM canola. It has been grown in western Canada since 1995, and currently well over 90% of the canola grown in western Canada is GM. By 1998, only four years after the start of cultivation, GM traits were already stacking within volunteer canola plants, and by 2007 the stacking of GM traits in escaped and possibly feral roadside populations of canola had also been documented. This was evidence of the effectiveness of GM trait movement within metapopulations in the landscape and through agricultural supply chains. Recently there was evidence of GM canola having moved through broad areas within the U.S., primarily along the Canada-U.S. border and along grain transportation routes. In addition, GM canola has been found commonly in shipping ports in both exporting and receiving countries, such as Japan.
The movement of GM traits within canola is a function of biology and ecology, the way in which canola is farmed, the farming system, and how canola is handled within supply chains, including the production of seed. There has been so much GM trait movement in canola in western Canada that farmers in this region have come to expect the appearance of unintended GM traits in their canola in all cases. The eventual adventitious presence of unintended GM traits in certified canola seed lots shows the extent to which all GM traits were pervasive in all canola in western Canada.
Some of the canola seed lots had unintended GM traits present at very high levels, approaching 5%. Given current knowledge of pollen-mediated gene flow, it's unlikely that this caused that high a level of presence in a single generation. We would expect, at most, 0.1%. Given the strict seed production and isolation protocols, if seed lots had above 0.25%, it was likely the result of inadvertent mechanical mixing of certified seed during harvest or handling.
In Denmark, an analysis of the possibility of achieving coexistence of GM and non-GM canola concluded that it would be difficult and perhaps impossible.
The two vectors of GM material movement are pollen and seed. Gene flow tends to occur over shorter distances, generally, but pollen can be carried over long distances by wind or pollinators. The distance for effective pollen-mediated gene flow depends on many factors, including the species, its out-crossing nature, the size and weight of pollen, the size of the pollen source, and weather. There is relatively good modelling of pollen-mediated gene flow for a variety of crops. However, those establishing protocols to prevent GM material from escaping have generally relied on traditional isolation distances for given crops taken from certified seed production standards, which may not be suited to the confinement task depending on the required threshold. If the threshold is very low—0.1% or lower, for example—seed production standards are not likely adequate. Seed movement is another means of GM material moving, or admixture. Seeds may travel great distances when crops are transported by humans, either knowingly or unknowingly.
Relatively little research has been done on the nature of seed movement of GM material, movement that is often related to human involvement or, in some cases, human error. In terms of seed movement, certainly complete separation of operations is acknowledged as a prudent means of working towards successful coexistence and maintaining GM-free material. Starting with absolutely clean seed is critical. Stringent separation of GM-free seed production from any sort of GM crop farming or handling, along with frequent testing, are required in this regard.
The persistence of seeds of GM crops is also an important consideration for GM trait escape and movement. After a crop has been harvested, volunteer and feral GM populations can appear in subsequent years and act as a place for GM traits to come from or escape to. In this sense, for crop species that have large and robust volunteer and feral populations, like alfalfa, for example, and especially for crops that produce very persistent seed banks, like canola, for example, a metapopulation for a given GM trait may arise within a given region. The ability of GM material to entrench itself in a system can be seen in western Canada, where a high proportion of feral populations of canola are GM, and those populations are accumulating multiple GM traits. For flax, since the Triffid GM-flax escape in 2009, researchers have shown that there is now a low level of GM flax, about one in 100,000, in the Canadian flax system that will likely be impossible to eradicate.
The segregation of GM and non-GM crops occurs throughout the world in scenarios both where coexistence is regulated and where it is not. In the case of jurisdictions where coexistence is not ensured by law, default is for the onus of segregation to be on the farmer or business operator who wishes to remain GM-free.
In Canada, when a GM crop is deregulated it is assigned unconfined release status. This removes any requirements for containment or confinement of that GM crop or GM material coming from that crop. In this case, those who wish to remain GM-free are recommended to employ a range of means, a system, to prevent incursion of GM materials.
After more than a decade of GM crop cultivation and decades of study of GM crops, it is now generally acknowledged that when GM crops are grown outside at a commercial scale, the movement of GM traits beyond their intended destinations can be expected and the risk of escape increases with the scale of production. Full retraction of escaped GM traits is difficult and may be impossible if escape is into the broader agricultural supply chain.
Since GM crops were first commercialized, reports of GM material appearing where it is not intended, expected, or wanted have steadily increased. With respect to GM crops, the nature of the crop, including its out-crossing ability and its ability to persist in the environment help to determine how difficult it will be to contain GM traits in this crop or to retract them after escape. There is an abundance of evidence from around the world that GM traits escape and end up where they are not intended, expected, or wanted. They move in one of two ways: either by pollen-mediated gene flow or by seed. PMGF—pollen-mediated gene flow—has been substantively studied, and the results of these studies show that it's common and can occur at low levels at long distances. There has been much less study of seed-mediated GM trait movement, but experts acknowledge that it occurs and that human error often plays a role.
After escape, GM traits can persist for a long time in the environment, even without new seed additions. Preventing GM crops from appearing where they're not expected or wanted is regulated in some jurisdictions. In these cases, segregation rights are protected in law, and there are formal recourse compensation mechanisms and also requirements for communication and full transparency about where GM crops are being grown, so that neighbours growing or not growing GM crops can prepare and work to prevent adventitious presence.
In areas where there is no regulated coexistence and where deregulated GM crops have unconfined release, the onus is on GM farmers or businesses to protect non-GM farmers or businesses from GM material incursion. These farmers and business operators use a variety of means and a systems approach in order to prevent the incursion of GM material or to confine GM material. It's understood by experts that GM containment and preventing incursions of GM material is challenging and that no single means of segregation or containment is sufficient to effectively contain GM material, especially in cases where low levels of escape can cause harm.
Thank you.