You certainly do.
Unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen, soil conservation is not something that is done. We have made great strides in this country on conserving our soils. We are no longer the dirty thirties. We have made some vast improvements, but there is an enormous amount of stuff that still needs to be done.
Today, we're going to focus on a couple of things—tillage and organic matter losses. Those are the biggies that we want to talk to you about today. These are still huge issues. If I keep spewing off words like “organic matter”, think carbon. If we are losing carbon from our soils, that is a problem. We are still losing quite a bit of carbon from our Canadian agricultural soils.
Western Canada is doing better than eastern Canada, I have to say. So to our colleagues from the west, congratulations, you've done a pretty good job, although there's still work to be done. Recently, the council has noticed that there is a little bit more tillage going on in western Canada than there used to be. There are vertical tillage tools coming out now that are quite prominent around Alberta and Saskatchewan, on land that was previously not tilled, direct seeded, with no disturbance at all. That's a little worrisome as far as we're concerned.
No-till adoption—planting without any tillage—in eastern Canada, however, is still very, very low. Our estimates are that about one-third of cropland is planted using no-till practices—that comes from the census—but there is much, much less permanent no-till area.
Another issue we've discovered, which we're going to bring to your attention, although I'm sure those of you who live in urban ridings have seen this, is that urban sprawl is removing productive land from agriculture. It's a huge, huge issue. We have to do something about that.
We talk about tillage as something that is the equivalent of an earthquake, a hurricane, a tornado, and a forest fire all occurring simultaneously for the world of soil organisms. It's a huge, huge issue for soil organisms. Tillage is bad for the soil.
One of the foremost experts on carbon is Dr. Rattan Lal of Ohio State University. He suggests that since modern agriculture has happened, we've lost somewhere between 50% and 70% of the original carbon that was stored in our soils. That is an absolutely huge amount of carbon that has been lost to the air, and most of this has been due to tillage.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, estimates about a 0.3% loss in annual crop yield due to soil erosion. That 0.3% doesn't sound like very much, but when you take that on a global scale, that works out to losing around 4.5 million hectares of production every year. Four and a half million hectares is nearly 10% of Canada's cropland every year being lost to soil erosion. That's a huge, huge issue.
What we are trying to do on our farm, and what we've been promoting, is no-till practices, trying to keep the soil covered as long as absolutely possible. We've planted cover crops on our farm to try to hold soil in place, to try to provide nutrients back to the organisms in the soil. This is what we're trying to promote in the areas where we can get these things to grow.
As for opportunities, we obviously have work to do to increase no-till acres across the country. There are huge benefits for climate change to going no-till. You're going to use less fuel to get your crop into the ground. You're going to have carbon sequestered in the soil and out of the air. These are win-win situations.
There's an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the costs and consequences of soil degradation. We're not really sure how much degradation is costing us in Canada. There have been some estimates from Dr. David Lobb at the University of Manitoba which suggest that Canada is losing around $3 billion—that's billion with a “b”—per year in lost production due to soil degradation, so there obviously is still work to be done to maintain our soil health.
Research needs are constantly evolving. We need to work harder to bridge the gap between the research folks and the producers who are trying to use this research. Extension at Agriculture Canada isn't anywhere near what it used to be. There's incredible research being done at all the centres across Canada, but farmers aren't hearing about it as quickly as they should. I live an hour and a half from the Ottawa centre, and I hear hardly anything about what's going on. We have to improve communications between researchers and farmers.
We have to get some extensions and demonstrations out to the producers, host field days. Farmers will adopt technologies when they see that they work, especially if you take them to their peers who have tried them. You have to get this stuff out to their peers. That's very, very powerful for farmers.
Unfortunately, we still see some great information that sits on shelves and never gets out to the folks who could make good use of it. Producers really do want to do the right thing. However, change is very slow to happen, and most don't realize how detrimental some of those conventional practices and conventional tillage are to the soil.
We have a couple of very simple recommendations for the committee to consider.
The first is to make soil conservation health a key commitment under the Canadian agricultural partnership. The new Growing Forward 3, or whatever you like to call it, is coming out in April 2018. This is the time to make sure that soil health and soil conservation play a key role in that very large agreement.
The second is to work with stakeholders to develop a long-term national strategy on how to better promote soil conservation and improve soil health. The Province of Ontario has recently launched its soil health and conservation strategy. We would encourage the federal government to look into doing something very similar.
Third is to provide some funding for a national study to reassess the cost and consequences of soil degradation in Canada, with an emphasis on greenhouse gas implications, and to enhance the knowledge and demonstration and dissemination of this knowledge, and the latest BMPs, best management practices. There are some great best management practices being developed at Ag Canada and other research stations that need to get out to producers. We need more funding to get those extension people out there to show these things.
We have a final thought. It's a quote from Maya Angelou, a poet from the United States. She said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” That is very, very apt for agriculture. Farmers are trying their very best to do the best they can. They need to learn that there are better ways to do things, and they will adapt.
Thank you very much.