Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I appreciate everyone's patience throughout our voting.
I also appreciate my Conservative colleagues comparing horses to other companion animals, like cats and dogs. That's one of the reasons Bill C-355 is a stand-alone bill specifically targeted to end this practice and ban the export of live horses for slaughter. It does not affect any other sector. Putting food on the table I fully support.
I would like to direct my questions to Dr. Ireland, who is no stranger to this committee, from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
There is a big difference between the conditions for horses exported live for slaughter versus those for breeding horses, racing horses, horses for pleasure riding or horses for non-competitive entertainment. From my understanding, I think there's only one airline left that will export live horses for slaughter. The other airlines are no longer interested in doing that.
Is there any way that exporting live horses for slaughter could be mistaken for the exporting of breeding horses, racing horses or horses ridden for pleasure or competition?