Actually, I sat for five years on the federal council on access for the visually impaired, and our association has been very involved in pilots. We're doing one right now in the province of Ontario—six universities, two community colleges, and five publishers—and hopefully that will be exploded out to all publishers and all institutions within Ontario.
We're doing everything we can to facilitate, in print and in digital, rapid access to content for the student. The complaint has always been that the available intermediaries didn't get the information to the student before the course had begun, and in some cases they were at exam time. We're working on this, and so far we appear to be having some luck. Those students seem to be quite pleased.
You should know that the World Intellectual Property Organization is really hoping to push forward with an international treaty that will address this very issue. I'm involved with that as well. If Canada ratified that treaty, it would obviously move things along.
The last thing is that there's a new project now, called the TIGAR project, and Canada will be involved in it. The purpose of the project is to move files across borders. Transborder data flow is a big issue when you're talking about intellectual property, because people don't want their property just “out there”, so to speak. It's a very big issue. There are worries about infringement and piracy, etc. But as long as the files are already converted, to be used for students as opposed to the general public, and students know how to use those files, there is some safety there.
So with the security measures built in, it'll be fine. The Americans are in the TIGAR project, we're in it, the U.K. is in it, and so are South Africa, France, Belgium. I mean, we've really just begun, but there is a tremendous amount of work being done.
It's unfortunate that there appear to be a lot of initiatives under a lot of umbrellas, and there's not yet any evidence that all of this will coalesce. That's what we really need. The TIGAR project may do that.