When we look at the region, there is just an immense opportunity for growth. More than two-thirds of our exports of soybeans from Canada go to the region. They're a region that loves soybeans. They love to eat soybeans, and they're a region that needs protein and needs oil.
Specifically, we look at Japan, one of our most valuable markets. They really value the quality that Canada provides. The soybeans we export there are of the highest quality, with over 100 different specific varieties going to specific tofu manufacturers, for example.
I can give you a story. When we were in Japan, we visited a tofu factory in the mountains and got to try their deep-fried tofu. It's not something that we would find here, but certainly in Japan, when we take our farmers and take our exporters there, we connect with our customers in a way that's just not possible virtually.
When we were in Thailand, we were able to visit a soy milk manufacturing facility, an ultramodern facility. That was a bit different from tofu in the sense that they're looking for a more generic soybean, but what they value from Canada is the reliability of what we're able to produce and, also, as a trusted partner, to deliver when they expect it to be delivered.
When we look at the opportunities and what we take from that in connecting our farmers.... We had farmers from Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan with us on the mission to see directly where their soybeans go. To see that container of soybeans opened at the soy milk manufacturer and dumped into their facility was a really gratifying moment for our farmers: to see not only how they plant and ship their soybeans but also how they're used halfway around the world—in fact, all the way around.
Hopefully, that gives you a bit of a sense of the value that we took from that, and certainly our customers appreciate touching the hand of the farmer who produces the soybeans they use and also appreciate that their need to produce food for their people has a connection back to a country like Canada, which values that relationship.