Thank you, Mr. Chair, for the invitation to testify today.
Before I get to my specific comments, I would like to spend a few minutes to give some additional context on the council, our sector and our trade.
The Fisheries Council of Canada is the national voice for our wild-capture fisheries across Canada. Our member companies are processors who process the majority of Canada's fish and seafood. Our members include small, medium- and larger-sized companies along with indigenous enterprises who collectively harvest in Canada's three oceans. The Canadian seafood industry employs 72,000 in direct jobs, mainly in coastal and rural communities. In essence, the sector is the beating economic heart of these communities. The sector accounts for $7.6 billion in exports to over 100 countries. The largest export markets are the United States at 64%, China at 19%, Hong Kong and Japan both at 2.5%, and the U.K. at 1.6%.
Growing global demand for protein, including fish and seafood, points to growth opportunities for our sector. FCC and the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, our counterpart on the farming side of the industry, have developed a joint 20-year vision to be a global top-three best quality and sustainable fish and seafood producer, not the largest but the best. With this vision, we have three aspirational goals. We want to double the value of the Canadian industry, double economic benefits to largely coastal communities and double domestic consumption of fish and seafood. These are definitely ambitious goals, but if you don't aim high, you don't achieve high.
The last and most important backdrop for our conversation today is our sustainability performance. Canada is a global leader in sustainable fisheries management with a robust regulatory regime, and DFO reports that 95% of our fish stocks are harvested at sustainable levels. In addition, Canada's adoption of independent third-party certification for sustainable practices is in the top five in terms of percentage of landings certified. We should feel proud of our collective stewardship of our fish resources.
All of this is important context for my remarks today, and now I'd like to move on to the specifics of the Indo-Pacific strategy.
Last year, we exported $1.9 billion to 15 countries in the region. China is by far the largest destination, receiving $1.4 billion, representing 77% of our exports to the region. Japan received $188 million, representing about 10%; South Korea, $94 million or 5%; and then Vietnam and Taiwan rounded out the top five.
Our imports total $1.6 billion from 20 countries in the region, leaving us with a trade surplus of about $300 million. The top countries for our imports are China, $517 million or 32%; Vietnam, $307 million or 19%; India, 274 million or 17%; Thailand, 256 million or 16%; and Indonesia at $91 million or 6%.
Our exports over the last 10 years have grown 78% in the region, while imports have grown more slowly at only 14%. Of our top export markets, we are net exporters to China, Japan and South Korea. We are a net importer from Vietnam, and we're essentially balanced in Taiwan. While we agree with the strategy of diversifying in the region, it is difficult to do. There is ever-growing demand for fish and seafood in China, and it is critically important to our sector. For some species, China is our primary or even our only market.
Having said that, we see growth potential in the region, as it has a large population and a strong seafood culture. FCC partnered with the Canada brand program in Vietnam to have our seafood consumer guide translated into Vietnamese and promoted in-country. We partnered with the consulates in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. This was the first time FCC had done something like this, and it was a good experiment.
Another thing that's important is that I'm a member of Agriculture Canada's Indo-Pacific industry working group. We provide input in how the department actions its role in the Indo-Pacific region as part of the strategy, and our initial discussions revolved around the location and the operationalization of its new office in Manila. I'm happy to be the lone seafood representative in that group.
We are also pleased to see that EDC is expanding in the region. It has new offices in Jakarta and Seoul and added staff in Singapore, and this year it is opening new representations in Ho Chi Minh City, Tokyo and Manila.
With that, feel free to ask me any questions regarding the free trade negotiations in the region and trade missions and opportunities for specific species. I welcome questions.
Thank you.