Thank you, Chair.
I would offer an amendment to this motion. It would replace the words “no later than Wednesday, June 8, at 3:30 p.m.” with the following:
after the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage commences a study of the alleged involvement of Hockey Canada in sexual assaults committed in 2018; that the committee invite the Minister of Sport to appear for no less than one hour; and that the committee invite representatives of Hockey Canada to appear for no less than two hours.
The reason I am suggesting this amendment is that it still provides a time frame. We will commence the clause-by-clause following this study.
This study is important, because it's one that was moved with unanimous consent in the House of Commons, which means that every single political party has agreed that this study is of great importance. The governing party, the NDP, the Bloc, the Green, the Conservatives and all independent members have agreed that this motion, this study, is important and that it should be done at the heritage committee. That motion was granted unanimous consent on June 2 in the House of Commons.
The study is an important one. It is a serious one. I believe time is of the essence. It would be diligent of this committee to then move forward and take on that study.
Yes, I realize it puts—