Of course, many of them are wearing multiple hats. Whether they are full-time journalists or not, many people in small operations, even in mid-size operations, wear many hats every day.
There have been thoughts around whether the LJI program could be supplemented to help bring those operations up to two-person newsrooms. Would additional government advertising spending help with that? There are any number of different programs that we've talked about over time that might help bring those newsrooms back.
As I said before, it's not necessarily just about trying to maintain what is currently there. It's about trying to find a way to provide adequate resources to provide good-quality news content to these different communities. For a lot of them, that means that they need to add back because so many of them have been decimated. They're shells of their former selves. A lot of operations are trying to be the best they can, but they aren't doing what they should be doing because they just cannot afford to do it anymore.