Okay. I'm going to put to you a couple of things and you can tell me whether they sound correct from your observations as you observed them in your role with the OPS. It talks about some of the objectives of the various people who were on the ground blockading.
Their objectives were “an intent to pressure the Federal Government into repealing...restrictions and/or compelling Prime Minister TRUDEAU to resign”. On another point, on page 18 of this document, it says that they “appear to have a vested interest [in] accomplishing a change of government”. On page 22, it talks about a speaker from Quebec who used “Very powerful Anti-Government rhetoric, talking about over throwing the present Government and having a 'Party of Citizens' take over.”
The document goes on, and there are multiple references to “WE WILL BE THE NEW GOVERNMENT. We will just take the power and share it together.” At the very end of this document, it concludes that “[t]he first and foremost barrier preventing a resolution arises from the primary objectives of the...group”, which include the “dissolution of Prime Minister Justin TRUDEAU's government.”
Does that sound familiar to you, in terms of the observations you and your personnel observed on the ground as the OPS trying to deal with this blockade, that this overthrow rhetoric was being used by people who were involved in the blockade?