Sure. I'd love to.
I would also suggest, once I give you the names, that our time allotment for that is certainly not enough. I know we're talking about one and a half hours for both individuals, as I read what's written here as being in number 4. That is not sufficient time for either one of those agencies, quite honestly, and if I look back over our previous discussions, we talked about expanding the number of Ottawa Police Service people who were going to be here, so that would be my suggestion.
Ottawa Police Service Deputy Chief Ferguson as well as Interim Chief Steve Bell should be included in the Ottawa Police Service list. The OPP has Commissioner Carrique and any senior officials he might bring. They should have one and a half hours each. That's an hour and a half for each session, and they need to be open to bringing officials from both agencies. The invitation should be open enough that they can bring officials who can speak to the invocation like we talk about it here. They could add some value to our meeting.