Thank you, Mr. Fortin.
Thank you, Senator White, for that suggestion.
In terms of what I was going to address, first of all, I have a couple of points, just to make sure the record is clear.
Mr. Motz said in his comments that the government had chosen to “hide behind cabinet confidences or lawyer-client privilege”. Cabinet confidence is a very entrenched notion in the Westminster style of government. It's to ensure that candid cabinet conversations can take place for the betterment and the public interest of all people that reside in this country. It's quite sacrosanct in our tradition. It predates the charter and is an important thing to uphold, so it's not an issue of hiding behind something. It's actually an issue of maintaining a principle that allows government to continue.
Lawyer-client privilege is equally sacrosanct. I'll declare my subjectivity on the matter clearly, out in the open. There are many other lawyers around this table, but the reason you have lawyer-client privilege is so a client can feel confident in having open and very blunt and candid canvassing of various options with their counsel. Without that kind of secrecy to the communications, you don't have the provision of legal advice that is in the client's best interest and that is in everyone's best interests in this country. I just reject the assertion that people are hiding behind these principles. We are trying to uphold them because they're important for our democracy.
That being said, I agree with much of what Senator White has suggested with respect to a surgical amendment to Mr. Motz's motion. I would actually take it a bit further, to indicate further to his point about the documents not being potentially evaluated or compared or contrasted by law clerks or any other legal counsel. Apropos of omitting everything from (j) onwards, I would actually say that the original (h) which reads, “the law clerks and any legal counsel which may be appointed by the committee” should also be struck, and what I would further indicate is that references to the “Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the Senate” and “the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the House of Commons” in paragraph (f) should also be struck.
Just to finish, in closing off the list, I think that in paragraphs (d) and (e), reference to specific legal advice that was provided to the Minister of Justice in respect of his responsibilities under the Department of Justice Act, to any lawyer reading those phrases—and again, there are many lawyers around this table—that clearly is legal advice that's being provided to the minister and would fall under what we call solicitor-client privilege, so I don't think it's appropriate to include it here. I would suggest that we omit that reference, the words, “including” and to the end in paragraph (d) and the words “including” and to the end in paragraph (e).
I'll pause there.
Thank you.