When we say “beyond Kyoto”, I think we mean that at the end of 2012 there won't be an international convention on climate change. Certainly it was strongly Canada's view that we shouldn't wait until 2012 and then begin to have discussions that would lead to negotiations.
I think Canada is very engaged with the Gleneagles dialogue that began when the United Kingdom had the presidency of the G8. They invited the other five emerging economies in. I think there'll be a significant amount of work done between the meetings that were held in Gleneagles, chaired by Prime Minister Blair, to the discussions we had in Potsdam. That will lead up to the G8 summit in Germany later this spring.
I think many people are optimistic and hope to see some fruition, some continuation of those G8 dialogues leading up to the Japanese presidency.
We're not the only act in town. The United Kingdom takes some action; the European Union takes some action. I think the G8 Gleneagles dialogue, with G8+5, is probably the greatest potential for bridging the gap between the industrialized nations and the emerging economies.