Exactly. Our view is that deregulation, self-inspection, and self-regulation come to us from the aviation industry, which is also where the administrative monetary penalties have come from. We see this deregulation and self-inspection creeping into the marine industry. For reputable companies we're familiar with and comfortable with, that may be fine. On the regulatory side, that may be fine too. But we don't have that comfort factor with the less scrupulous companies that we know operate everywhere, placing the onus, the financial burden, and the fear of reprisal on the seafarer. Because it would be the seafarers doing the self-regulation and self-inspection, similar to the aviation side.
We haven't seen any analysis on the aviation side that it contributed to safety or environmental protection. It's gradually creeping in on the marine side. It's the thin edge of the wedge, as we see it. It's fine to introduce it with the large companies that are already well regulated and have an excellent, strong track record, but in the event that it gets expanded to these other notorious, less scrupulous outfits, we have strong concerns.