One of our standard tools is the Species at Risk Act registry. It's a publicly accessible website. It has all of the information. We're looking at how we can make it even more user friendly so that it's easier to click in.
One of the features we're looking at that would be very helpful for the SARA registry is a map-based approach. You could go to your part of the country, click on it, and then find all of the species at risk and so on. That work is under way, but it takes a while to work out the bugs, if you will, in that type of an approach. We certainly see the SARA registry as a key tool for us.
Another key tool, obviously, is the gazetting process. It's part of any regulatory regime. For every regulatory package that we put forward, we have to include a compliance promotion plan. Within that plan, it lists how we're going to communicate with target audiences. Clearly, if you're up in the north and that's where the endangered or threatened species is, well, we had better target communications to the north versus going down into the south, where it's a bit irrelevant. We try to lay out what those plans are.
On going forward for listing, I'll let my colleague speak for aquatics, but certainly for terrestrial, we go out on a pre-consultation package. We have lists of groups and people we try to contact to say, “Here's the list of species”. It's particularly helpful, for example, for industry groups. We let them know what the species are and ask them for their views and feedback. That's part of how they become aware.