We're going back to page 16. We're back into that section we spent a lot of time on, entitled “Decisions regarding impact assessments”. These are the sections that guide the agency's decisions. As far as I recall, we haven't accepted any amendments to this process, although we've had a number of amendments go around it. I would be adding a new proposed subsection 16(2.1), so after the factors that the agency must take into account, there would be a new mandatory establishment that there would be an assessment, either very preliminary—the agency could decide what kind of assessment, obviously....
To make it really clear, this is re-establishing the law list that was repealed in the omnibus budget bill, Bill C-38, in the spring of 2012. We have had federal laws triggering environmental assessments from 1976 until 2012. There are only three federal statutes, only three kinds of decisions by three different ministers, that would trigger an environmental assessment or an impact assessment.
The first would be a decision by the Minister of Fisheries under the Fisheries Act to permit any temporary or permanent alteration to or destruction of fish habitat. We had this before, for decades. It was killed by the previous government. It was a very good protection for fish habitat and for review of projects.
Then (b) would be a decision of the Minister of Transport, under what's now renamed the Canadian navigable waters act, to issue a permit pertaining to navigable waters, whether or not these are listed in the schedule. This is basically the form of what we had before 2012, acknowledging that we now have a schedule. Under the new version of the navigable waters act within Bill C-69 we have two kinds of navigable waters: those that are covered by the definition and those that are in the schedule. This would require that any decision by the Minister of Transport related to a permit pertaining to navigable waters, whether in the schedule or not, would trigger an EA.
Last would be a decision by the Minister of Environment under the Species at Risk Act to permit activities that pose a threat to a listed species.
The granting of those specific three kinds of permits only under those specific sections of those stated laws would trigger an impact assessment, if you accept my amendment, which is, as you can see, a very critical rebuilding of trust in the impact assessment process.