Wait, bad joke; wrong time to joke about bombs.
This is with regard to the environment minister's desk. There's been a big reaction to this proposal from a bunch of folks on this side of the border and in the U.S. OPG wants to put a deep geologic repository in Kincardine, Ontario. The motion in front of you is pretty straightforward. In terms of groups, I'm suggesting a one-meeting shot at this. A lot of those mayors, regional district groups, and some on the U.S. side of the border are quite concerned about it as well.
To be quite clear, I've dealt with the waste commission before. The process they're using for their long-term disposal has actually become a lot better in terms of consulting with communities and whatnot. That's a different track. This one is a more immediate, short-term thing. This is the low-level nuclear waste stuff, which is way better for you than the really intense stuff. The siting and the location and the consultation process so far on this have been really disappointing to a bunch of mayors.
The happy thing on this one is that it's very cross-partisan. People from all political parties are raising issues on this. It would certainly be a good thing for our American neighbours. When this was proposed on the other side of the border, the then Conservative government way back in the day—it was Mr. Clark's time—raised huge concerns from the cabinet level on down, and I believe rebuffed the U.S.'s efforts. They stood down. That may be a little cross-border friendliness.