Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I just hope we are all in agreement about how routine it is for parliamentary committees to request documents from the civil service. This is quite fundamental to our democracy so we can see how the operations of government are moving forward and how parliamentarians can make better decisions based on that data and information and documents.
I think it is completely reasonable and completely relevant for this committee to have requested information on the models the government has been using for the past several years, on which it makes decisions regarding these continual increases in the carbon tax, and the effect they claim it is expected to have on emissions reductions.
That has been central to the debate we've been having in this country for several years now. I think we can all agree, after reading what we got back from the government, that this response is completely unsatisfactory and completely inadequate. It reminds me of how, in The Wizard of Oz, they finally arrive at the Emerald City and they pull back a curtain and all of a sudden the wizard says, “Pay no attention to that man behind the mirror. There is nothing to be seen here. Just go about your business.” That is what I thought of when I got this response from Environment and Climate Change Canada.
It has the big “Draft” watermark across the front and it says on page 1, “Please note, this is a draft in progress. Any comments would be appreciated. Views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not reflect those of Environment and Climate Change Canada or the Government of Canada.”
One can't help but wonder, if this does not reflect the views of the Government of Canada, what they have been basing these decisions on for the past several years. That was what Mr. Mazier requested before the Easter break. We have not received the full model yet, or at least I hope we haven't. If this is all they've been going on for the last several years, that is wholly inadequate.
Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable for Mr. Mazier to continue to request these documents, and it is fundamental to our democracy that we receive what these decisions have been made on. Anything less than that is totally unacceptable, Mr. Chair.