That's a great question.
Citizens' Climate Lobby volunteers gather expert information and condense it into documents that we call "laser talks". It was shocking to read the data that our volunteers had put together.
Here in Canada, there are over 1.5 million high-risk households that cannot obtain affordable flood insurance. There are also risks of people losing their insurance, because from year to year their insurance prices can go up. We are heading towards an uninsurable world, and we need to mitigate the climate crises as fast as possible.
One of our recommendations is on all of this modelling data. We're just wondering this: Wouldn't it be helpful to have a business-as-usual trajectory versus mitigating as fast as possible? We need data to guide what is happening, because we are heading towards an uninsurable world. The data are pretty dramatic.
There was a second laser talk for Ontario. It was on a climate risk report that was released quietly in the summer of 2023. Again, unless we mitigate this crisis, the agricultural impacts will be quite high. I won't get into numbers but encourage you to read these reports.
I want to thank you for starting this flood and drought national program. I once served as the co-chair of the Sudbury adaptation panel, and we need data to drive our decision-making.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to this and also sound the warning.
Thank you, Robert, for sounding the warning as well.
I really appreciated listening to you, Mr. Sandford.